OER Subject Strand Conference (Biosciences, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine) Royal Institute of British Architects London 26th October 2010 Dr Vivien Rolfe
(OER = Open Educational Resources) The outcomes of our JISC/HEA Phase 1 OER project and objectives for our JISC/HEA Phase 2 OER project. (OER = Open Educational Resources)
Virtual Analytical Laboratory (VAL) was part of Bioscience Subject Centre “Interactive Laboratory and Fieldwork Manual for the Biosciences”. JISC/HEA OER Phase 1. Aim: Turn VAL into an open resource.
Content focused. Copyright cleared, accessible, interoperable. Web promotion an after thought. Approach
9 lab topics (e.g. micro, histol, serial dilutions). Animation (swf), audio (MP3), PDF, video (FLV, MP4). Over 200 web pages of OER. Subscribe by RSS, iTunes. Outputs
Resources uploaded to JorumOpen. API Strips (328 Views) Gram Stain (172) Staff OER Questionnaire (167) Views could be me. Views doesn’t mean use. No measure of reuse. Hard to track repurposing. Impact? JorumOpen
Impact? Google Analytics
Low response n=25 from trash collectors to life guards Low response n=25 from trash collectors to life guards. 50% of respondents were in education. Impact? Survey Monkey
Moving Forwards JISC Phase 2. “Sickle Cell Open”. Focus on search engine optimisation and web promotion. Focus on tracking and monitoring strategies. Moving Forwards
Contact us if you have any questions! URL: http://www.sicklecellanaemia.org DMU URL: http://www.scooter.dmu.ac.uk Facebook: SCOOTER Blogger: http://scooter-dmu.blogspot.com/ Further details: SCOOTER: vrolfe@dmu.ac.uk Search Engine Optimisation: griffin.simon@gmail.com Contact us if you have any questions!