Atoms, Molecules and Ions Chapter 2
Composition of the Atom Understanding the structure of the atom will help to understand the properties of the elements. Keep in mind that these, as all theories, are subject to constant refinement. The picture of the atom isn’t final.
Development of the Atomic Theory Dalton’s Atomic Theory - the first experimentally based theory of atomic structure of the atom. John Dalton early 1800’s Much of Dalton’s Theory is still regarded as correct today. *See starred items.*
Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory 1. All matter consists of tiny particles called atoms.* 2. An atom cannot be created, divided, destroyed, or converted to any other type of atom. 3. Atoms of a particular element have identical properties.
4. Atoms of different elements have different properties.* 5. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to produce compounds (stable aggregates of atoms.)* 6. Chemical change involves joining, separating, or rearranging atoms.* * These postulates are still regarded as true.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808) Elements are composed of extremely small particles called atoms. All atoms of a given element are identical, having the same size, mass and chemical properties. The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of all other elements. Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element. In any compound, the ratio of the numbers of atoms of any two of the elements present is either an integer or a simple fraction. A chemical reaction involves only the separation, combination, or rearrangement of atoms; it does not result in their creation or destruction.
Atoms consist of three primary particles. electrons protons neutrons Nucleus - small, dense, positively charged region in the center of the atom. Contains: protons - positively charged particles neutrons - uncharged particles
electrons - negatively charged particles Surrounding the nucleus is a diffuse region of negative charge populated by: electrons - negatively charged particles Selected Properties of the Subatomic Particles Name Charge Mass(amu) Mass (grams) Electrons (e) -1 5.4 x 10-4 9.1095 x 10-28 Protons (p) +1 1.00 1.6725 X 10-24 Neutrons (n) 0 1.00 1.6750 x 10-24
Dalton’s Atomic Theory Law of Multiple Proportions 2 Law of Multiple Proportions
Law of Conservation of Mass 16 X 8 Y + 8 X2Y Law of Conservation of Mass
Subatomic Particles: Thompson Experiment Electrons, Protons and Neutrons Electrons were the first subatomic particles to be discovered using the cathode ray tube. Indicated that the particles were negatively charged.
Cathode Ray Tube
Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940). Photo courtesy of The Cavendish Laboratory.
Thomson’s charge/mass of e- = -1.76 x 108 C/g Measured mass of e- (1923 Nobel Prize in Physics) e- charge = -1.60 x 10-19 C Thomson’s charge/mass of e- = -1.76 x 108 C/g e- mass = 9.10 x 10-28 g
(Uranium compound)
Protons were the next particle to be discovered. Protons have the same size charge but opposite in sign. Proton is 1837 times as heavy as electron. Neutrons Postulated to exist in 1920’s but not demonstrated to exist until 1932. Almost the same mass as the proton.
(1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) particle velocity ~ 1.4 x 107 m/s (~5% speed of light) atoms positive charge is concentrated in the nucleus proton (p) has opposite (+) charge of electron (-) mass of p is 1840 x mass of e- (1.67 x 10-24 g)
Rutherford’s Model of the Atom atomic radius ~ 100 pm = 1 x 10-10 m nuclear radius ~ 5 x 10-3 pm = 5 x 10-15 m “If the atom is the Houston Astrodome, then the nucleus is a marble on the 50-yard line.”
Chadwick’s Experiment (1932) (1935 Noble Prize in Physics) H atoms - 1 p; He atoms - 2 p mass He/mass H should = 2 measured mass He/mass H = 4 a + 9Be 1n + 12C + energy neutron (n) is neutral (charge = 0) n mass ~ p mass = 1.67 x 10-24 g
mass p = mass n = 1840 x mass e-
Atomic number, Mass number and Isotopes Atomic number (Z) = number of protons in nucleus Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons Isotopes are atoms of the same element (X) with different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei Mass Number X A Z Element Symbol Atomic Number H 1 H (D) 2 H (T) 3 U 235 92 238
atomic number (Z) - the number of protons in the atom Mass Number Charge of particle Symbol of the atom Atomic Number atomic number (Z) - the number of protons in the atom mass number (A) - sum of the number of protons and neutrons
Calculate the Composition of an Atom Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in each of the following:
Isotopes - atoms of the same element having different masses. contain same number of protons contain different numbers of neutrons Isotopes of Hydrogen Hydrogen (Hydrogen - 1) Deuterium (Hydrogen - 2) Tritium (Hydrogen - 3)
Do You Understand Isotopes? How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in C 14 6 ? 6 protons, 8 (14 - 6) neutrons, 6 electrons How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in C 11 6 ? 6 protons, 5 (11 - 6) neutrons, 6 electrons
Isotopes of the same element have identical chemical properties. Some isotopes are radioactive. Find chlorine on the periodic table. What is the atomic number? 17 What is the mass given? 35.45 This is not the mass number of an isotope.
What is this number? It is called the atomic mass - the weighed average of the masses of the isotopes that make up chlorine. Chlorine consists of chlorine-35 and chlorine-37 in a 3:1 ratio. The weighted average is an average corrected by the relative amounts of each isotope present in nature.
Calculate the atomic mass of naturally occurring chlorine if 75 Calculate the atomic mass of naturally occurring chlorine if 75.77% of chlorine atoms are chlorine-35 and 24.23% of chlorine atoms are chlorine-37. Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal fraction. 0.7577 chlorine-35 0.2423 chlorine-37
Step 2: Multiply the decimal fraction by the mass of that isotope to obtain the isotope contribution to the atomic mass. For chlorine-35: 0.7577 x 35.00 amu = 26.52 amu For chlorine-37 0.2423 x 37.00 amu = 8.965 amu Step 3: sum to get the weighted average atomic mass of chlorine = 26.52 amu + 8.965 amu = 35.49 amu
Atomic Weights Calculate the atomic weight of boron, B, from the following data: ISOTOPE ISOTOPIC MASS (amu) FRACTIONAL ABUNDANCE B-10 10.013 0.1978 B-11 11.009 0.8022
Atomic Weights Calculate the atomic weight of boron, B, from the following data: ISOTOPE ISOTOPIC MASS (amu) FRACTIONAL ABUNDANCE B-10 10.013 0.1978 B-11 11.009 0.8022 B-10: 10.013 x 0.1978 = 1.9805 B-11: 11.009 x 0.8022 = 8.8314 10.8119 = 10.812 amu ( = atomic wt.)
Calculate the atomic mass Nitrogen consists of two naturally occurring isotopes. 99.63% nitrogen-14 with a mass of 14.003 amu and 0.37% nitrogen-15 with a mass of 15.000 amu. What is the atomic mass of nitrogen?
The Periodic Table In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev discovered that if the known elements were arranged in order of atomic number, they could be placed in horizontal rows such that the elements in the vertical columns had similar properties. A tabular arrangement of elements in rows and columns, highlighting the regular repetition of properties of the elements, is called a periodic table. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 2
The Periodic Table Periods and Groups A period consists of the elements in one horizontal role of the periodic table. A group consists of the elements in any one column of the periodic table. The groups are usually numbered. The eight groups are called main group (or representative) elements. 2
The Periodic Table Periods and Groups The “B” groups are called transition elements. The two rows of elements at the bottom of the table are called inner transition elements. Elements in any one group have similar properties. 2
The Periodic Table Periods and Groups The elements in group IA, often known as the alkali metals, are soft metals that react easily with water. The group VIIA elements, known as the halogens, are also reactive elements. 2
The Periodic Table Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids A metal is a substance or mixture that has a characteristic luster and is generally a good conductor of heat and electricity. A nonmetal is an element that does not exhibit the characteristics of the metal. A metalloid, or semi-metal, is an element having both metallic and nonmetallic properties. 2
Alkali Earth Metal Noble Gas Halogen Alkali Metal Group Period
Chemistry In Action Natural abundance of elements in Earth’s crust Natural abundance of elements in human body
A diatomic molecule contains only two atoms A molecule is an aggregate of two or more atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical forces H2 H2O NH3 CH4 A diatomic molecule contains only two atoms H2, N2, O2, Br2, HCl, CO A polyatomic molecule contains more than two atoms O3, H2O, NH3, CH4
Chemical Formulas; Molecular and Ionic Substances Although many substances are molecular, others are composed of ions. An ion is an electrically charged particle obtained from an atom or chemically bonded group of atoms by adding or removing electrons. Sodium chloride is a substance made up of ions. 2
cation – ion with a positive charge An ion is an atom, or group of atoms, that has a net positive or negative charge. cation – ion with a positive charge If a neutral atom loses one or more electrons it becomes a cation. Na 11 protons 11 electrons Na+ 11 protons 10 electrons anion – ion with a negative charge If a neutral atom gains one or more electrons it becomes an anion. Cl- 17 protons 18 electrons Cl 17 protons 17 electrons
Subatomic particles in ions How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in the following ions?
A monatomic ion contains only one atom Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, O2-, Al3+, N3- A polyatomic ion contains more than one atom OH-, CN-, NH4+, NO3-
Do You Understand Ions? How many protons and electrons are in ? Al 27 13 3+ 13 protons, 10 (13 – 3) electrons How many protons and electrons are in ? Se 78 34 2- 34 protons, 36 (34 + 2) electrons
A molecular formula shows the exact number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of a substance An empirical formula shows the simplest whole-number ratio of the atoms in a substance H2O molecular empirical H2O C6H12O6 CH2O O3 O N2H4 NH2
The ionic compound NaCl ionic compounds consist of a combination of cations and an anions the formula is always the same as the empirical formula the sum of the charges on the cation(s) and anion(s) in each formula unit must equal zero The ionic compound NaCl
Formula of Ionic Compounds 2 x +3 = +6 3 x -2 = -6 Al2O3 Al3+ O2- 1 x +2 = +2 2 x -1 = -2 CaBr2 Ca2+ Br- 1 x +2 = +2 1 x -2 = -2 Na2CO3 Na+ CO32-
Chemical Substances; Formulas and Names Ionic compounds Most ionic compounds contain metal and nonmetal atoms; for example, NaCl. You name an ionic compound by giving the name of the cation followed by the name of the anion. A monatomic ion is an ion formed from a single atom. 2
Chemical Substances; Formulas and Names Rules for predicting charges on monatomic ions Most of the main group metals form cations with the charge equal to their group number. The charge on a monatomic anion for a nonmetal equals the group number minus 8. Most transition elements form more than one ion, each with a different charge. 2
Chemical Substances; Formulas and Names Monatomic cations are named after the element – if there is only one such ion. For example, Al3+ is called the aluminum ion. Rules for naming monatomic ions If there is more than one cation of an element, a Roman numeral in parentheses denoting the charge on the ion is used. This often occurs with transition elements. i.e. Fe2+ = Iron(II); Fe3+ = Iron(III) The names of the monatomic anions use the stem name of the element followed by the suffix – ide. For example, Br- is called the bromide ion. 2
Naming Binary Compounds NaF - LiCl - MgO -
Naming Binary Compounds NaF - Sodium Fluoride LiCl - Lithium Chloride MgO - Magnesium Oxide
Chemical Substances; Formulas and Names Polyatomic ions A polyatomic ion is an ion consisting of two or more atoms chemically bonded together and carrying a net electric charge. 2
Chemical Nomenclature Ionic Compounds often a metal + nonmetal anion (nonmetal), add “ide” to element name BaCl2 barium chloride K2O potassium oxide Mg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide KNO3 potassium nitrate
Transition metal ionic compounds indicate charge on metal with Roman numerals FeCl2 iron(II) chloride 2 Cl- -2 so Fe is +2 FeCl3 3 Cl- -3 so Fe is +3 iron(III) chloride Cr2S3 3 S-2 -6 so Cr is +3 (6/2) chromium(III) sulfide
Molecular compounds nonmetals or nonmetals + metalloids common names H2O, NH3, CH4, C60 element further left in periodic table is 1st element closest to bottom of group is 1st if more than one compound can be formed from the same elements, use prefixes to indicate number of each kind of atom last element ends in ide
Molecular Compounds HI hydrogen iodide NF3 nitrogen trifluoride SO2 sulfur dioxide N2Cl4 dinitrogen tetrachloride TOXIC! NO2 nitrogen dioxide N2O dinitrogen monoxide Laughing Gas
An acid can be defined as a substance that yields hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. HCl Pure substance, hydrogen chloride Dissolved in water (H+ Cl-), hydrochloric acid An oxoacid is an acid that contains hydrogen, oxygen, and another element. HNO3 nitric acid H2CO3 carbonic acid H2SO4 sulfuric acid HNO3
Acid anions (provide H+ ions) Uses of mono– and di- Rule: to be used if oxyanion is bonded to one or more hydrogen ions. Example: HPO42- = monohydrogen phosphate ion H2PO4- = dihydrogen phosphate ion
Prefix thio- The prefix thio- means that an oxygen atom in the root ion name has been replaced by a sulfur atom. Example: SO42- --> S2O32- sulfate ion thiosulfate ion
More Practice Na2SO4 Na2SO3 Sodium Sulfate Sodium Sulfite AgCN Cd(OH)2 Silver Cyanide Cadmium Hydroxide Ca(OCl)2 KClO4 Calcium Hypochlorite Potassium Perchlorate
Polyatomic Ions You Should Know NH4+ - Ammonium OH- - Hydroxide CN- - Cyanide SO42- - Sulfate ClO4- - Perchlorate O22- - Peroxide PO43- - Phosphate CO32- - Carbonate HCO3- - Hydrogen carbonate
A base can be defined as a substance that yields hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water. NaOH sodium hydroxide KOH potassium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 barium hydroxide
Chemical Substances; Formulas and Names Hydrates A hydrate is a compound that contains water molecules weakly bound in its crystals. Hydrates are named from the anhydrous (dry) compound, followed by the word “hydrate” with a prefix to indicate the number of water molecules per formula unit of the compound. For example, CuSO4. 5H2O is known as copper(II)sulfate pentahydrate. 2
Hydrates are compounds that have a specific number of water molecules attached to them. BaCl2•2H2O barium chloride dihydrate LiCl•H2O lithium chloride monohydrate MgSO4•7H2O magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Sr(NO3)2 •4H2O strontium nitrate tetrahydrate CuSO4•5H2O CuSO4
Copper (II) sulfate.
Chemical Formulas; Molecular and Ionic Substances An important class of molecular substances that contain carbon is the organic compounds. Organic compounds Organic compounds make up the majority of all known compounds. The simplest organic compounds are hydrocarbons, or compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon. Common examples include methane, CH4, ethane, C2H6, and propane, C3H8. 2
Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with carbon compounds Functional Groups C H OH C H NH2 C H OH O methanol methylamine acetic acid
Chemical Reactions: Equations Writing chemical equations A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction in terms of chemical formulas. For example, the burning of sodium and chlorine to produce sodium chloride is written The reactants are starting substances in a chemical reaction. The arrow means “yields.” The formulas on the right side of the arrow represent the products. 2
Chemical Reactions: Equations Writing chemical equations In many cases, it is useful to indicate the states of the substances in the equation. When you use these labels, the previous equation becomes 2
Chemical Reactions: Equations Writing chemical equations The law of conservation of mass dictates that the total number of atoms of each element on both sides of a chemical equation must match. The equation is then said to be balanced. Consider the combustion of methane to produce carbon dioxide and water. 2
Chemical Reactions: Equations Writing chemical equations For this equation to balance, two molecules of oxygen must be consumed for each molecule of methane, producing one molecule of CO2 and two molecules of water. Now the equation is “balanced.” 2 2
Chemical Reactions: Equations Balance the following equations. 2 6 6 2 9 3 4 2
Worked Example 2.1