Monday, Sept. 19th AGENDA Independent reading – hand out reading logs for this week Introduce 6 week book project “You Matter Monday” activity Read Aloud “Schooled”: make inferences and connections; add to character page Homework Reading logs due Friday – must be completely filled out at beginning of class to get full credit Fiction test tomorrow – bring a pencil for bubble sheet
Wednesday, Sept. 21st AGENDA Test corrections/Independent reading/quizlet review Read aloud “Schooled” – add to character development page; create plot road in RWN Homework Reading logs due Friday – must be completely filled out at beginning of class to get full credit Fiction vocabulary test tomorrow – study words on quizlet
Thursday, Sept. 22nd AGENDA Vocabulary fiction test Independent reading when finished with test – Read “Thank You Ma’am” pg. 388 in lit book questions after reading pg. 392 Homework Reading logs due tomorrow– must be completely filled out at beginning of class to get full credit
Friday, Sept. 23rd AGENDA Independent reading Homework Flashback Friday – writing activity (minimum 1 page) Read Aloud “Schooled”: make inferences and connections; add to character page in RWN Homework Reading logs due today – must be completely filled out at beginning of class to get full credit
Flashback Friday - Today you will revisit one of the weekly activities we have discussed this month. Choose one of the following prompts. TEDTalks are given about topics that people are passionate about. Choose a topic you are passionate about and write 1 page about why you like it and why it is important to you. Think about what you can say to get other people interested in your topic as well. Choose one of the quotes (it does not have to be the same one you got last time). Write a 1 page story about a young person who was in a difficult situation, but because they followed the wise words in the quote, he or she was able to overcome it. Think back to the two situations with the pledge of allegiance. Write a 1 page letter to the principal expressing your opinion on the topic. Be sure to give at least three good arguments as to why your opinion is right. Remember you are writing to a principal so your writing should reflect that. Think about someone in your life that matters to you. Write a 1 page letter to that person telling them all the reasons why they matter, and why they are important to you. Give them examples of how they have effected your life in the past.