By: Leyton Hubers Physical Science JUPITER By: Leyton Hubers Physical Science
The Sun Jupiter is 483.8 million miles away from the sun The planet is also 365.366 million miles from earth
Diameter The diameter of Jupiter is 86,881.4 miles and the Sun’s diameter is 864,575.9 miles, that’s over 995% bigger than Jupiter
Orbit It takes Jupiter 12 YEARS to complete a full cycle around the sun and one day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 56 minutes
FUEGO! The average temperature on the surface of Jupiter is -234˚F but the core can get up to 43,000˚F!
Moons In total this giant must have a large amount of moons, right? Well yes Jupiter has a total of 49 official moons but there are 14 that aren’t considered official moons
Surface The surface content of Jupiter is pure gas so the atmosphere is basically the whole planet
Gravity The gravity of Jupiter is 2.4X what it is on earth
Galileo In 1610 Galileo discovered Jupiter, He did so by looking at Jupiter’s moons and realizing that they were orbiting something
Fun Facts Jupiter is a gas giant Jupiter has 4 rings Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun Jupiter is over two times bigger than all the planets combined
Works Cited Physical science textbook