Night Star Express
Night Star Express German Night Time Delivery network Cooperation network of medium-sized logistics service providers Logistics with consistent high quality standards Delivery of shipments between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Facts and Figures Established 1993 More than 900 employees in europe 5.37 million shipments in 2017 Motor pool with more than 1,000 vehicles
Shareholders Eiltrans Nachtverteilerservice GmbH Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH & Co. KG Transit Transport Flensburg GmbH & Co. KG L.W. Cretschmar GmbH & Co. KG Night Star Express Honold GmbH Spedition Gertner GmbH Friedr. Zufall GmbH & Co. KG Internationale Spedition
Product Portfolio Supply of goods to consignees before start of work: Delivery by 8 a.m. latest Delivery is scanned and visible in T&T (IOD - information of delivery) Delivery of shipment to predefined depot Driver has key to delivery deposit and can safely lock the goods Individual choice of the depots
Product Portfolio Deliveries for technicians on request by 7 a.m. possible Transporting of pallets, wire-mesh pallets and unpackaged goods possible Shipment of hazardous goods Without prior agreement, the following applies: Max. weight: 150 kg Max. length: 3.20 meters Max. width: 1.20 meters Max. height: 1.50 meters
Product Portfolio International European Night Express: Switzerland Belgium Further countries and runtimes on request Netherlands via Austria: Luxembourg Slowenia European Day Express: Hungary Denmark Czech Republic Austria
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