Module I.4 The NAP Chat Trainer: [Name]


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Module I.4 The NAP Chat Trainer: [Name]

GIZ productions proudly presents…

Exercise: NAP chat…analysis of stakes and interests involved in the NAP process - I Actors 4 volunteers are invited to play the following roles within the chat: Representative from Ministry of Finance (MOF) Representative from Ministry of Planning (MOP) Representative from Ministry of Environment (MOE) TV Moderator

Exercise: NAP chat…analysis of stakes and interests involved in the NAP process - II Situation In an airport waiting hall: 3 delegates from the fictitious country Adaptania meet by co- incidence on the way back to their home country. They came from different international conferences and use the opportunity to exchange on their fresh impressions from the negotiations. This scene is framed as a short TV film, announced by the TV Moderator at the beginning.

At the airport on the way to Adaptania…

The end…and what will happen next? Will the MOP really arrange this meeting? And if so, what will happen after it? Will Adaptania´s government take the NAP process up as a political priority? And the overall and most pressing questions… Will Adaptania really engage in the NAP process? And if so, what will be the results?

Key messages The NAP process is a voluntary process! Climate information are key for planning adaptation Engaging in the NAP process offers economic opportunities and savings in the long-term (economic growth and climate resilient development complement each other!) Inaction implies uncontrollably high costs in the future, hampers development and poverty reduction and implies new risks for food security Get everyone on board! Plan together! There is international financial support available Clear mandate is needed for coordinating and implementing the process

Thank you for your attention!

Imprint Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Climate Policy Support Project Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany T +49 61 96 79-0 F +49 61 96 79-1115 Contact E I Responsible Nele Bünner, GIZ Authors Lena Klockemann Picture credits Title: NAP Chat, Airport (Kirnan John, Bad Soden) This presentation is part of a NAP country-level training that has been developed by GIZ on behalf of BMZ and in cooperation with the NAP Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP), in particular UNDP and UNITAR. The training is designed to support countries in setting up a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. It builds on the NAP Technical Guidelines developed by the Least- Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). You are welcome to use the slides, as long as you do not alter its content or design (including the logos), nor this imprint. If you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Till Below or Nele Bünner at GIZ. For questions related to the Technical Guidelines, please refer to the UNFCCC’s NAP Support Portal. As a federally owned enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ also engages in human resource development, advanced training and dialogue.