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$100 Question Topic 1 The event referred to by the term Great Depression.
$100 Answer Topic 1 What is the severe economic state that the U.S. went into in the 1930s. ?
$200 Question Topic 1 The meaning of the term relief.
$200 Answer Topic 1 What is aid for the needy?
$300 Question Topic 1 The item referred to by the term soap operas.
$300 Answer Topic 1 What are daytime radio shows sponsored by laundry detergents?
$400 Question Topic 1 Hoovervilles was the term for these.
$400 Answer Topic 1 What are shanty towns on the outskirts of cities and On vacant lots….groups of makeshift shacks?
$500 Question Topic 1 The meaning of the term defaulted.
$500 Answer Topic 1 What is failure to meet loan payments?
$100 Question Topic 2 Describe the Bonus Army.
$100 Answer Topic 2 Who are WWI veterans that marched on Washington to demand a bonus promised by congress?
$200 Question Topic 2 The position held by Mary McLeod Bethune during FDRs term in office.
$200 Answer Topic 2 What is a member of Roosevelts Black cabinet?
$300 Question Topic 2 The position held by Huey Long and what happened to him.
$300 Answer Topic 2 What is a senator from Louisiana that criticized Roosevelt and was assassinated in1935?
$400 Question Topic 2 The action that brought fame to Francis Townsend.
$400 Answer Topic 2 What is he developed a plan for monthly pensions for retired people?
$500 Question Topic 2 The position held by Charles Coughlin and what he did regarding FDR.
$500 Answer Topic 2 What is Detroit priest that criticized FDR on his radio program?
$100 Question Topic 3 Dorothea Langes role that she took on during the Great Depression.
$100 Answer Topic 3 What is a photographer that took photos of migrant workers During the Great Depression?
$200 Question Topic 3 The meaning of the term migrant workers.
$200 Answer Topic 3 What is people who travel from place to place to find jobs harvesting crops?
$300 Question Topic 3 Eleanor Roosevelts relationship and job during FDRs term of office.
$300 Answer Topic 3 What is his wife and she acted as his eyes and ears?
$400 Question Topic 3 The purpose of the Brain Trust.
$400 Answer Topic 3 What is the group that FDR relied on to helped him Guide the nation through the Great Depression?
$500 Question Topic 3 The event that the following have in common: Northern Texas, Eastern Colorado, New Mexico Oklahoma and western Kansas.
$500 Answer Topic 3 What are the states hardest hit by the Dust Bowl disaster?
$100 Question Topic 4 The percentage of American workers that were unemployed During the Great Depressioin.
$100 Answer Topic 4 What is twenty-five percent?
$200 Question Topic 4 Describe Fireside Chats.
$200 Answer Topic 4 What is FDRs chats on the radio that he used to communicate with the American people and restore their confidence in the government?
$300 Question Topic 4 The event that occurred on October 29, 1929.
$300 Answer Topic 4 What is the stock market crash/Black Tuesday?
$400 Question Topic 4 The purpose of the stock exchange.
$400 Answer Topic 4 What is an organized system for buying and selling Shares of stocks?
$500 Question Topic 4 The definition of the term on margin.
$500 Answer Topic 4 What is buying stocks with loans?
$100 Question Topic 5 The name for Roosevelts Plan or programs.
$100 Answer Topic 5 What is the New Deal?
$200 Question Topic 5 The program that provided cheap electricity to southern states.
$200 Answer Topic 5 What is the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA?
$300 Question Topic 5 The term for highways, parks, and libraries that Hoover authorized spending for.
$300 Answer Topic 5 What are public works projects?
$400 Question Topic 5 Describe the Hundred Days.
$400 Answer Topic 5 What are the first 100 days of FDRs term in office That he used to launch his programs?
$500 Question Topic 5 The purpose of the Social Security Act.
$500 Answer Topic 5 What is provided monthly pensions for Retired people?
$100 Question Topic 6 Describe the court-packing plan.
$100 Answer Topic 6 What is FDR asked congress to increase The number of Supreme Court Justices from 9 to 15 And then FDR picked the justices to keep Opponents from undoing the New Deal programs?
$200 Question Topic 6 Who said help is just around the corner and what was He talking about?
$200 Answer Topic 6 Who is Hoover and he was talking about the Great Depression?
$300 Question Topic 6 The environmental disaster that caused many people to leave their homes in The middle states to look for work.
$300 Answer Topic 6 What is the Dust Bowl?
$400 Question Topic 6 The Louisiana senator who was assasinated.
$400 Answer Topic 6 Who is Huey Long?
$500 Question Topic 6 Technology, drought, and high winds were major causes of this event.
$500 Answer Topic 6 What is the Dust Bowl?
Final Jeopardy Topic Great Depression
Final Jeopardy Question Give three causes of the Great Depression.
Final Jeopardy Answer What are: –Unbalanced economy Gap between the wealth of the rich and most Americans –Declining Income of Industry Farm, Auto, Construction Lay off of workers, cut wages Joblessness and Poverty –Credit Crisis People borrowed money and then defaulted on loans. –International Depression Weakness in U.S. economy effected foreign economies..
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