Diagnostic Algorithms for ACS and High-Sensitivity Troponin
Learning Objectives
Assessment of Patients With Suspected AMI
Evolution of hs-cTnT
Cardiac Troponin Evolution of Temporal Serial Sampling
hs-cTn ESC 0/3-Hour Algorithm
hs-cTnT ESC 0/1-Hour Rule-In/Rule-Out Algorithm
0/1-Hour Diagnostic Protocol Clinical Evidence
Timing of Presentation Can Influence Diagnostic Performance of hs-cTn Single Cutoff Algorithm
Diagnostic Criteria for AMI
Diagnostic Performance of hs-cTn in Patients With/Without Renal Dysfunction
Strategies for Implementation of hs-cTn
Protocol for Patient Evaluation
Advantages of hs-cTn
APACE Discharge Diagnosis
APACE Use of Coronary Angiographies
APACE Outpatient ED Stay
hs-cTnT US Label
Diagnostic Performance of Modified 0/1-Hour Algorithm Using hs-cTnT Cutoffs Approved by the FDA
Abbreviations (cont)