Page 1-2-3 Exercise A, B, C, D, E, F,G
I wonder if he is mad at me. It thought they were spam! I apologize for my last email.
I think about you all the time. Page 1 c e b d a I can’t call you. I think about you all the time. I really needed to relax. I can stay in your house? visiting my family.
Page 2 of for to of of in about on to for to against about
to of about of
to sleeping late on the weekend Page 3 to sleeping late on the weekend in starting our vacation early against giving a test tomorrow of going to the gym every day about going to the dinner on Saturday of getting a new computer on cooking dinner for us in winning the championship this year about driving my brother’s car to school of riding his bike across the country
Page 3 Although in spite of in spite of Although Although in spite of Although Although
Page 4-6 Exercise H, I, K, L
Page 4 hear arrives get take get go start finishes are graduates
Page 4 g f d c a e h b
Page 6 It is email because it is fast and reliable. Yes, I do. For some reasons. I never write letters. I just write letter to people who don’t have emails. I usually call family or arrange to see them. I call, text messages, email or communicate face to face.
I would call, if he didn’t answer I would text him a message. He could send an email. I would write a letter. I would prefer to talk to him face to face.
Page 7-8 Exercise M, N
Page 7 call monitor determine use help get try There were so many flights that he couldn't monitor them all. There are so many screens that he calls his assistant to help him. The weather was so bad that he couldn't determine flight landing.
My Parents My brother My friends My relatives Cell phone Easy and it’s available anywhere. My brother Whatsapp It doesn’t cost a lot of money (free) My friends Text messages (SMS) It’s easy and fast. My relatives Email We can write and tell everything you need
I always use cell phone to call my parents and to take care of them I always use cell phone to call my parents and to take care of them. I use this kind of communication because it is easy to them to use it as well as it is available anywhere. But the problem is that way of connect cost a lot of money. On the other hand, I find it easy to use whatsapp application in order to communicate with my brother. I can also send video audio multimedia and many broadcast. I use this kind of communication because my brother can use it easily and it doesn’t cost a lot of money.
Page 9-10 Exercise A, B, C
used to send used to have didn’t use to have used to use used to carry used to write
What did Fahd use to do ? Do people use to leave messages? Did student use to write on smart board? Did you use to sleep early?
There are There is There is There is There is There are There are There is
The --- The --- --- --- The The The
All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018 Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018