Stage 6 Vocab & Derivatives
Think up derivatives or related Latin words for these Think up derivatives or related Latin words for these. Use pg 102 and this information: Absum, abesse, afui, afuturus Avarus Bonus Emo, emere, emi, emptus Ferociter Fortis Fur Infans Libertus Per Pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus Res Scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus Supero, superare, superavi, superatus Also: erat (in book; not on our cards)
Avarus Miser Scrooge, pennypincher Derivative? avarice
Absum Be away from Ab + sum Opposite? Derivative? In absentia
Bonus Good Related Latin word? Derivatives? Bonus, bounty, bonanza, benign, benefactor, benefit, debonair
Emo, emere, emi, emptus Buy Derivatives? Example, redeem, redemption, prompt, impromptu, preemptive, exempt, sample, ransom
Ferociter Fiercely Related Latin word: ferox or ferus, wild Derivatives? Ferocious, fierce, feral
Fortis Strong, brave Derivatives? Fortify, fort, force, comfort, enforce, reinforce, effort, sforzando
Fur Thief Derivatives? Furtive, ferret, Furret
infans Baby, child Related Latin words? Derivatives? For, fari – to speak; babies can’t speak Forum – place where people speak Fatum – fate – what’s been spoken by the gods Derivatives? Infant, infantile, infancy, infanticide, infantry
libertus Freedman – with a D! Related Latin word: libero, set free Derivatives? Liberty, liberally, liberty, liberate, Liberia
per Through Takes an accusative, not an ablative Derivatives? Permeate, percussion, permit, perceive, perform, peruse
Pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus Whack, hit, strike Related Latin word: pello, pellere, pulsi, pulsus - push Derivatives? Pulse, pulsate, compulsive, expulsion, propulsion
res Thing – pretty much whatever it needs to be Derivatives? Real, reality, realty, republic
Scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus Write Derivatives? Script, scribe, inscribe, transcript, scripture, conscription, prescription, describe
Supero, superare, superavi, superatus Overcome, overpower, conquer, defeat Related Latin words: super (above), superbus (proud or arrogant) Derivatives? Super, Superman, supreme, surplus, superable, superb