Children and Young People’s Trust Partnership 30 January 2012
Transforming Service Delivery Dave Carr Head of Efficiency and Business Support
Transforming Service Delivery Priorities Shared locations Shared information Shared ownership Shared pathways Shared delivery
Shared locations CYPP priorities: Identify and agree a network of local hubs of multi-professional, public and community and voluntary services Wherever possible, these local hubs will involve staff being based together and operating out of a universal provision such as a children's centre, school health centre/GP surgery or Youth Zone There will be differences in different parts of the County according to availability of accommodation, rurality, population size and needs
Shared locations No single approach across the County: Schools Childrens Centres / CAPSS Youth Zones What works locally? District Priority: Shared location for the delivery of services by March 2013
Shared information CYPP priorities: Create one comprehensive shared one-stop shop information and advice service that is available to all children and young people and their families, and professionals Develop an information governance policy that will leave no professional in any doubt as to their duty to share information and their organisation's commitment to do so Work rapidly towards bringing together electronic information databases, through information hubs across the County and eventually one shared data access portal
Shared information Risk Consent Culture Activities include: Parenting Services Audit / Help Direct North West Public Authorities and Partners Information Sharing Commitment / Training and guidance JSNA E-Caf? Risk Consent Culture
Shared ownership CYPP Priorities: We will overcome any professional barriers that might get in the way of our vision – to work in the best interests of children and young people at all times We will demonstrate our shared ownership of support for children young people and their families by changing our service delivery to fit this vision We will build consultation, engagement and involvement of children and young people, families, and our staff into everything we do
Shared ownership Activities include: Workforce Strategy 2011-14 Multi-agency training calendar Common Core Active Participation Strategy and “How to” guides
Shared pathways CYPP Priorities: We will join up our assessment processes and live by the rule of ‘tell us once’ We will develop agreed pathways to focus our support for vulnerable children and young people and their families. This will reflect a revised continuum of need and set out clear and shared roles and responsibilities at every stage Our pathways will maintain a focus on; minimising the number of staff involved with a family, listening to children and young people and their families, and helping them to greater resilience and management of their problems for better outcomes
Shared pathways Activities include: Refreshed Continuum of Need CAF Review Working Together with Families Multi-agency contact and referral team Implementation of Early Support strategy and monitoring its effectiveness. District Priority: Fund holding Lead Professional established by March 2013
Shared Delivery CYPP Priorities: Remove duplication in planning and delivering our services to children, young people and families, and trust that the lead professionals will be able to speak and lead on behalf of all. In any new venture, commission or service our starting point will be integrated delivery. We will need to be convinced by any plan to deliver through separate services. Identify and share what works and leads to measurable improvements in the outcomes for children, young people and their families. We will not refuse help to any child, young person or family as there will always be some way in which we can help or advise them and make a positive difference.
Shared Delivery Activities: Joint Commissioning Unit (JCU) Early Support Commissions Sharing good practice through our Networks District Priorities: Service offer mapped against continuum of need by March 2013 Holiday Activity Scheme in place by March 2013
District Priorities In each District by March 2013 Shared Location for the Delivery of Services Fund holding lead professional established Holiday Activity Scheme Service offer mapped against the refreshed continuum of need
District priorities TRANSFORMING SERVICE DELIVERY - Action Planning Template What do we want to see in place in 12 months? What will we measure to ensure we have achieved the above? County Actions to Progress This District Actions to Progress This What? Who?