The Renaissance Chapter 7
Renaissance In this chapter you will learn why Europeans became interested in art and learning as they left the Middle Ages behind. For a long time there had been little to no interest or time to learn much of anything, except how to stay alive. most people didn’t know how to read or write
Renaissance means “rebirth.” there was a rebirth of interest in art and learning studied the same subjects as the Greeks and Romans
Significance In the individual Secular: interested in the world rather than religious matters people were more interested in this world Heaven, not only through religion placing the study and progress of human nature people were still religious during the renaissance
Role of Italy's City-States Italian city-states are contributing factors as to why the renaissance began in Italy How?: surroundings Wealth competition population
Influenced by their surroundings center of Roman Empire City-states Influenced by their surroundings center of Roman Empire surrounded by ruins and art Wealth of city-states allowed individuals to be patrons for artist Enabled them to pay painters, sculptures, architects, and other artist to produce new works
3. Competition between city-states city-states which competed competition sparked interest in artist patrons wanted to increase fame of their cities 4. Large population more customers and money led to more discussion and sharing of ideas about art (spreading of ideas)
city-states remained independent due to their wealth Banking: Wealth of CITY STATES WEALTH: Trade: city-states remained independent due to their wealth Banking: lent money and charged interest Medici family were bankers, richest family in Florence
Florence most famous of all city-states Banking: Florin: gold coin of Florence Venice: Wealthiest city-state sailors and ship builders Canals of Venice: used canals and waterways for transportation
Government of city-states Ruled by one powerful man head of state, duke or doge Medici Family: ruled Florence Lorenzo de Medici known as “the Magnificent” keeping the poor from rebelling
kill and lying Diplomacy: the art of negotiating, or making deals Ambassadors: representatives of one city-state were sent to live in another city-state Niccolo Machiavelli: diplomat in Florence Wrote The Prince people are greedy and self-centered Rulers: Do anything to keep power/protect their city kill and lying