Presented By: Vincent Williams June 26, 2018 Configuration Management Benchmarking Group (CMBG) “SNC Innovation & Technology” Data Analytics and Digital Workers Presented By: Vincent Williams June 26, 2018
Inventory Utilization INNOVATION SHOWCASE 360° Camera Outages Analysis Monitor UAS FLIR Risk Map Digital Fire Plans Inventory Utilization eSOMs Power Tube Elec. Wrk Pkgs. Sensors Ride Share Wearables Wireless Utilization PM Promise Digital Worker Data Analytics RFID Wi-Fi Data iRobot Leaky Cable (DAS) Project Reporting 2 Focus Areas for Innovation: 1) Digital Workers – Use innovative technology/tools to capture data, improve safety (create a more hands-free environment), reduce the time it takes to complete tasks, and save $. Examples: Wearables – Recon Jet Pro and Body Cameras 2) Data Analytics – Gather data from a variety of sources using digital platforms and equipment, analyze data, and make valid recommendations for solutions and improvement areas based on findings. Examples: Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Project Fire Watch Cart NORAD Virtual Reality Digital Forms KPI
Data Analytics – 2016/2017 Specific scope Investigation Big Data Analytics Challenge M&D Center: Sensors on Plant Assets
SNC: UAVs & Robotics
Environmental Reports UAV Use-Cases Structural Monitoring Inspections Environmental Reports Inventory Management
SNC UAV “Fleet” DJI Inspire 1 DJI M600 DJI Phantom 4 Photographs – © 2017 DJI
Structural Monitoring: CTMT Dome Inspection (FNP) September 13th, 2016
What’s different? Vogtle 3 & 4 Inventory Management Continued with UAV flights in 2017. ASME Structural Inspection @ Farley w/ EPRI Off-gas stack inspection @ Hatch High Voltage – Degraded Grid @ Hatch Inventory Imaging @ Vogtle 3 & 4
SNC Innovation & Technology – Robotics iRobot First-Look 110
SNC Innovation & Technology – Robotics Condenser False Bottom Radiation Detection Surveys Leak Identification
Condenser False Bottom Inspection (HNP) These images/video were created by SNC employees as part of our inspection activities using Unmanned Devices with the exception of the 100 Firstlook product picture (lower right) which came from Endeavor Robotics web page. Farley Structural Monitoring Inspection As part of the 5 year structural monitoring inspection for Plant Farley’s containment domes a DJI Inspire 1 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) was used to perform portions of the inspection. The UAS captured photos and videos that helped to document the current conditions of the containment dome structures. Using the UAS augmented personnel having to perform inspections on the containment dome. Those videos and photographs supported the structural monitoring report provided to the NRC in November 2016. At this time we still know of no other UAS flight at an operating plant for inspection or other credited activity other than aerial photography. Note that it is possible someone has not communicated their UAS work. The NRC was present for the first flight. In the picture the Southern Company team present for this historic flight. Two pilots were utilized for oversight and safety. A separate camera operator worked directly with the lead engineering inspector to manipulate the camera to capture photo and video of interest. The second picture shows the DJI in flight over Farley’s containment structure. These flights occurred in September 2016. Additional photos are avaialble at s:\Workgroups\SNC Southern Nuclear\PlantFarley\Vistors Center\MIKE\Drone CMT Inspection\ iRobot FirstLook – Condenser False Bottom Inspection At plant Hatch an RP tech challenged the status quo for performing the Condenser false bottom inspection which is typically performed by the inspector crawling on their back with a camera to take pictures and videos of current conditions. The RP tech challenged the site and worked to procure a track based remote operated vehicle (similar to the one shown in the picture) and performed the inspection without anyone having to enter the environment. The results of this use were considerably better images and the device provided real time review with SMEs when an indication was found With the compact nature, all terain aspects, and durability the vehicle has been used extensively throughout Plant Hatch where it less desireable for personnel to enter looking for leaks, debris, and overall plant condition What’s Next: Southern continue to evaluate opportunities in the Robotics/Unmanned vehicle area with the following: Worked with EPRI on dry cask storage material condition characterization for cask licensing renewal. Demonstration of robotic inspection tools was completed earlier this year at Hatch (Jan 2017) Currently working with EPRI and their researchers for additional structural inspection – Farley may be ready to test EPRI partner technology later this year Evaluating the use of UAS for radiation monitoring both inside and outside Increase robot use across our sites to provide similar capabilities that have been demonstrated at Hatch with the 110 Firstlook. Dose Reduction Improved inspections Improved personnel safety
Telepresence / Wearable Technology 2017-2018 Telepresence / Wearable Technology 2-way VIDEO and AUDIO communication in the field. Demo at Farley in late 2017 utilized tablets via Skype-for-Business and Help-Lightning; Vogtle 1-2 setting up pilot w/Real-Wear’s HMT-1 HMD;