Our kids live in a fast-paced world
Cell Phones Facebook YouTube TEXTING State Tests SATs Twitter Cyberbullies iPods
And face challenges we never imagined
Rate of obesity among children in 1975
Rate of obesity among children in 2008
Number of children who will develop diabetes without lifestyle changes diabetes
1 in 3
Number of Delaware children who are overweight or obese
Number of children who walked to school in 1960
Number of children who walk to school today
Number of U.S. fourth grade students below basic reading level in 2007
1 in 3
Increase in number of prescriptions to treat attention disorders since 1991
+ 500%
What if there was thing that could help students face the challenges of… ONE
Attention Span Healthy Weight Academic Success Social Skills Self Esteem Physical Fitness Emotional Balance ()()
There is.
Physical Activity
Lets get our kids moving more.
Daily moderate to vigorous activity improves…
Fitness Strength Endurance Weight maintenance
Concentration level Classroom behavior Attendance And even…
Standards-Based Test Scores!
A California study showed that students with higher fitness scores had better test scores for both reading and math. Evidence is mounting
A study of more than 2 million Texas students found that physically fit students are more likely to: Do well on state tests Have good school attendance
And less likely to: Have disciplinary referrals for truancy, violence, and substance abuse.
A national study concluded that at least one daily recess period of more than 15 minutes for 8 to 9-year-olds resulted in improved classroom behavior.
A 2006 study showed that a daily 10 minute activity break increased students ability to stay on-task by as much as 20%.
As a school nurse I see fewer visits to the nurse's office since we began 150 minutes of physical activity per week. We've also had fewer discipline referrals. Kathy Capozzoli Cape Henlopen School District
Kids need at least 60 minutes a day
30 minutes during the school day is doable
Combining physical activity in Physical Education class, on the playground,
And in the classroom.
You are a part
of one of societys
main vehicles of change
Yes, We Can
Change childrens health and futures
School cultures that value student health
can go a long way towards a better, healthier society.
Embed health and well-being
Into the fabric of daily school life
One of the wonderful and unexpected outcomes of promoting wellness and increasing physical activity for staff and students was that it reinforced a healthy school atmosphere and sense of community and resulted in a more cohesive school culture… Richelle Talbert Christina School District
Students learn what they live
They need consistent health information
And lots of opportunities to live it.
I believe that a healthy lifestyle can foster greater achievement in the classroom. After a test or between subjects, I exercise with the students to get their blood flowing. It helps them to stay focused on their work. Heather Baker Christina School District
Give students the chance to be physically active and see the improvement in
Focus Learning Behavior Attention Academics Health and fitness
Make School a Experience Moving
Make School a Experience Moving