Tagging and Statistically Translating Latin Sentences Andrew Runge Computer Systems Lab 2009-2010
Abstract Goal: Create an accurate Latin translator Methods: Language Rules Machine Learning Computer-Assisted Translation Statistical Translation Language: Python
Introduction Language Translators Machine Learning Word Tagging Statistical Translation Parts of Speech
Background Machine Learning Word Tagging Type, case, tense, etc. Statistical Translation N-Grams Part of Speech Pairings Computer Assisted Translation
Figure 1: Tree of words sorted by sentence role from the assorted works of Cicero generated by the methods of McMahon and Smith
Discussion Dictionary creation Dictionary Keys and values Word Tagging Nouns v. Verbs
Example of word tagging from similar experiment by Bowden
Discussion Translation: Forms Human Element http://media.photobucket.com/image/computers%20and%20people/tinker2/garfield_computer.jpg
Figure 2: Demonstration of n-gram generation for determining word order in a sentence. Generated by Chen et al.
Future Work Current Continued Work: Tag Culling Machine translation Additional grammar support