Jimmy R.
Auto Mechanics are professionals who work on cars, trucks, and tractors including riding lawnmowers.
I would live in Madison, Tallahassee, or Gainesville to obtain this career.
You have to complete a formal training program in high school, or in a post secondary vocational school or community college. You could have a job before that dealing with mechanics as long as you have experience and a high school diploma.
You can make $37,540 a year if youre a regular mechanic. If you own your own shop it could be $40,000 to $70,000 a year Rewards you can have is you could work on almost any persons vehicle for your own price at home. Also you can work on owning your own Mechanic shop.
Some rewards you can have is you can get a discount if you bring your vehicle to the mechanic shop you work at. Also you can work on becoming a higher rank, or work on owning your own mechanic business.
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