Wordly Wise 2
Day 1 Copy the definition for each word Day 1 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Astute- Adj. Wise in a clever or practical way. Authentic- Adj. Genuine; true. Derogatory- Adj. Expressing a low opinion; intending to hurt the reputation of a person or thing. Devour- V. To eat up hungrily. Figment- N. Something that is made up in the mind but has no connection with reality.
Day 2 Copy the definition for each word Day 2 Copy the definition for each word. Make sure to include the part of speech. Mythical- Adj. Imaginary; not real. Prior- Adj. Coming earlier in time, order, or importance. Scavenge- V. To search through or pick over; looking for something usable. Solitude- N. The condition of being alone or at some distance from people. Vulnerable- Adj. Open to attack; easily injured physically or emotionally.
Day 3 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word Day 3 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. People who are able to use good judgment are unlikely to be fooled easily. Persons who pick over objects that have been thrown away are not allowed at the town dump. It’s obvious that this coin marked 55 B.C. is not genuine but must be a fake.
Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word Day 4 Replace the bold phrase with a vocab word. Write the whole sentence. People who like being all alone make good lighthouse keepers. I try to ignore statements that are intended to hurt someone’s reputation. Many experts agree that the Loch Ness monster is imaginary.
Friday Funny
Day 5 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word. Figment Prior Solitude Vulnerable
Day 6 Write a Synonym and Antonym for each word. Astute Authentic Derogatory Scavenge
Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word. Day 7 Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word.
Day 8 Draw a picture for each word: Devour Mythical Authentic
Friday Funny
Day 9 Write a sentence for each word: Devour Figment Prior
Day 10 Write a sentence for each word: Vulnerable Solitude Scavenge
Day 11 Journal If someone offered you a million dollars to live in solitude for a year would you do it? In three sentences explain why or why not.
Day 12 Without looking, list as many vocab words and their definitions as you can. See if you can list all ten.
Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word. Day 13 Choose three vocabulary words and make a sentence for each word.
Day 14 Study for the test!
Friday Funny
Reading Scavenger Hunt Read a book you brought or one of the books from my shelf. As you read look for and write down synonyms or antonyms of our current or past vocabulary, figurative language, and current or past vocabulary words. Synonym or antonym of vocab words are worth 25 points Similes, metaphors, and personification are worth 15 points The Golden Egg, a vocab word used in the book, is worth 50 points Write down what you found, what page you found it on and the point. At the end of the hour the top 5 points earners receive a prize. Example: Pg. 218 Simile “Her eyes sparkled like diamonds” 15pts
Synonym or antonym of vocab words are worth 25 points Acknowledge Authority Devastate Estimate Impartial Infuriate Irrelevant Precise Sham Trek Astute Authentic Derogatory Devour Figment Mythical Prior Scavenge Solitude Vulnerable Synonym or antonym of vocab words are worth 25 points Similes, metaphors, and personification are worth 15 points The Golden Egg, a vocab word used in the book, is worth 50 points