Test Chairperson Training January 12 and 14, 2010


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Presentation transcript:

Test Chairperson Training January 12 and 14, 2010 STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST,10th EDITION (SAT-10) Grade 1 and Grade 2 District-Wide Test Chairperson Training January 12 and 14, 2010

Key Dates February 10 ID Header Sheets preprinted by ITS March 1-4 SAT-10 materials delivered to schools March 12 Deadline for schools to conduct training sessions Deadline to administer practice test March 16-22 Testing window for visually impaired students March 16 Reading Comprehension subtest- Grade 1 and Grade 2 district-wide March 17 Mathematics: Problem Solving- Grade 1 and Grade 2 district-wide March 18-19 Make-up testing

Key Dates, Continued March 23-25* Hand deliver all “To Be Scored” and “Not To Be Scored” materials directly to Test the Distribution Center (TDC) by 3:30 p.m. March 25 Deadline for submitting missing materials/security investigations * Please note that it is the same return schedule as the FCAT. Additionally, Regional Centers will not be collecting SAT-10 test materials.

STUDENTS TO BE TESTED All grade 1 and 2 students in the district, including: English Language Learners (ELLs) regardless of time in an ESOL program; and Most students with disabilities Home Education Program Students (Location #9998) Miami-Dade Online Academy Students (Location #7001).

The only students who may be exempted are: Students with disabilities who have a current Individual Education Plan (IEP) that specifies the student is exempt from standardized testing; OR Student who has a temporary physical disability (e.g., broken arm) or temporary emotional problem, (e.g., recent death in the family). Students designated exempt on the IEP may be assessed on the Sunshine State Standards with an alternate assessment procedure. List exempt students on the Record of Absences, Exemptions and Invalidations form. Division of Special Education, 305-995-1721

OPT(ional) Field Codes Codes for Students with Disabilities and Section 504 Code Code Description Category of Student A Not Tested- Exempt- Exceptional Students with disabilities who have a current IEP that specifies no standardized testing. Exempt students with disabilities may be assessed with an alternate assessment procedure. H Not Tested- Other Any student who was present during the administration of the SAT-10 but did not participate because of a temporary physical disability (Section 504) (e.g., broken arm) or emotional problem (e.g., recent death in the family).

ACCOMMODATIONS Determine which students need accommodations. Any student with accommodations documented on an IEP must receive them. Review accommodations for LEP students on pages 3-4 in the program guide. Review accommodations for students with disabilities on pages 4-5 in the program guide.

Test Chairperson Responsibilities – Preparing for Testing Carefully check all received testing materials and make sure quantities are sufficient. Secure materials in an access-restricted area. Ensure that a list of students entering on or after February 10 is maintained. Make testing room arrangements. Inform parents of testing schedule. Administer practice tests. Sort and arrange testing materials for each test administrator. Prepare teacher count sheets. Account for and distribute testing materials each day of testing.

Test Chairperson Responsibilities – Preparing for Testing Continued Train test administrators and proctors on the following: Who must be tested Testing schedule Administrative Procedures Test room conditions Following the script for administering the SAT-10 Handling special considerations such as invalidations withdrawals, and late arrivals, etc. Procedures to account for and handle secure test materials

A Note about Testing Time The times provided for the SAT-10 are approximate times only, and should be appropriate for most standard curriculum students. Students who need additional time to complete the assessment should be allowed to finish the test. Accommodations may be provided to students with disabilities and LEP students, as determined appropriate.

Reading Comprehension Testing Schedule Monday March 15 Tuesday March 16 Wednesday March 17 Thursday March 18 Friday March 19 Grade 1 No Testing Reading Comprehension Mathematics: Problem Solving Make-up Testing Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

ABSENCES AND INVALIDATIONS Make provisions for make-up testing for students absent during the testing window. The following circumstances may require a subtest(s) to be invalidated: - A student fails to follow instructions. - A student is observed giving or receiving assistance. - A student exhibits behavior that disrupts other students.

“OTHER INFORMATION” FIELD CODES “OTHER INFORMATION” Field on ID Header Sheet Absences, Invalidations, or Accommodations Subtest Absence Code Invalidation Accommodation Reading Comprehension 5 6 9 Mathematics: Problem Solving 3 4 8 All Applicable Subtests 1 2 7

Required Materials Test materials for each student Sharpened #2 pencils Scratch paper (mathematics subtest) Centimeter/inch ruler (mathematics subtest) Directions for Administering the Stanford Select Primary 1 (green 1st grade) and Primary 2 (blue 2nd grade) Do Not Disturb sign

Test Materials Each student must be assigned a ‘set’ of materials consisting of a test booklet and an ID Header Sheet . Test Booklets Complete student info on top two lines on the back of test booklet including student name, teacher, and school. NO BUBBLING IS REQUIRED on the test booklet. Students bubble answers in the test booklets. ID Header Sheets Students enrolled before February 10, 2010, will have pre-printed ID Header Sheets. ID Header Sheets must be hand bubbled for all other students.

ID HEADER SHEET REQUIRED FIELDS Student’s Name ID Number (7 digits) School Location (4 digits) Student’s Current Grade

Back Cover of SAT-10 Test Booklet

Grade 2 Sample Student Identification (ID) Header Sheet 1 = NAME - Beginning at the left: Student's last name, first name, and middle initial 2 = STUDENT'S ID NUMBER - Student's 7-digit ID number 3 = SCHOOL - School's 4-digit location number 4 = GRADE - Student's grade level 5 = FORM - Obsolete (Leave Blank) 6 = OPT(ional): A = Not Tested - Exempt – Exceptional H = Not Tested - Other 7 = OTHER INFORMATION - Code absent, invalid, or accommodation, by subtest, as appropriate See chart on page 10 see Program Guide page 14

Test Chairperson Responsibilities- Following Each Day of Testing Complete Teacher Count Sheets each day after testing ensuring all materials were returned. Identify students who were absent and schedule them for testing. Secure testing materials in a locked storage area. Notify Student Assessment and Educational Testing of any incidents that would affect the validity of the results.

Damaged Test Booklets Transfer student ID info and student responses to a new booklet. Write “Damaged” across the front cover. Verify that the transferred information is correct and submit replacement test booklet with the other “To Be Scored” test materials for scoring. Pack the damaged test booklet in Box #1 of the “Not To Be Scored” testing materials.

Test Chairperson Responsibilities- Following the Completion of All Testing Prepare materials for return. Assemble sets of student test materials, by grade as specified. Package “To Be Scored” materials and “Not To Be Scored” materials. Submit a written account of any missing test booklets or testing irregularities to Student Assessment and Educational Testing by March 25, 2010. Submit the completed Teacher Count Sheets and retain a copy for your records.



Tentative Report Schedule May/June 2010 Individual Student Listings and Individual Student Reports (ISRs) September 2010 School Content Cluster Analysis

Required Forms Teacher Count Sheets Record of Absences, Exemptions, and Invalidations Return Packing List for “To Be Scored” Materials Return Packing List for “Not To Be Scored” Materials School Procedural Checklist

Ms. Mayda Cabeza, Director I Ms. Magaly Hernandez, Supervisor I Contact Information For information about when to test, who to test, testing procedures, and testing accommodations, please contact: Ms. Mayda Cabeza, Director I Student Assessment and Educational Testing 1500 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 225 Phone: 305-995-7520 Mail Code: 9023 Fax: 305-995-7522 Email: mcabeza@dadeschools.net For additional testing materials and assistance with packing, please contact: Ms. Magaly Hernandez, Supervisor I Test Distribution Center (TDC) 13135 S.W. 26 Street Phone: 305-995-3743 Mail Code: 9038 Fax: 305-995-3963 Email: mrhernandez@dadeschools.net

Sources For Information For additional Test Chairperson resources, please visit the Student Assessment and Educational Testing district web page at: http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/InfoForTestChair.asp

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