How can countries that are neighbors have such different standards of living?
How can a countries like U.A.E. and Qatar get so wealthy?
Mr. P: discuss how categories reflect sectors, erasing decimals, plotting points
Did you want this number high or low?
Where were these pictures taken?
Standard of Living in the Middle East Israel Kuwait Oman Saudi Arabia Iraq Jordan Qatar U.A.E. Turkey Iran Lebanon Syria Yemen
Global Studies – Thursday Week 31 Learning Target I will gather and analyze data in order to understand the differences in the SOL of Middle Eastern countries. Warm Up Why did people have different answers in the far right column? Show on ELMO how to fill out Warm Up
Standard of Living D A
Natural Resources =
Day 6, Supply and Demand seesaw Demand is the number wanted Supply is how many are available.
Graphing Visuals for Games 1
Name Block Teacher
Oil Prices During OPEC Game Price of Oil Rounds of Game Game 1
Oil Prices During OPEC Game Price of Oil Rounds of Game Game 1
Why did price of oil rise during the game? What is OPEC?
Graphing visuals for Game 2
Oil Prices During OPEC Game Price of Oil Rounds of Game Game 2
Why did the price of oil fall? How did this affect the teamwork between countries? Who won and who lost?
Natural Resources =
Standard of Living D A
OPEC Research