Accessible Learning Services General Information
Who we are and what we do Accessible Learning Services works in collaboration with students, faculty, the wider college (personnel) and support staff. Together, we identify and implement strategies to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to achieve their educational goals. Services are available to students at all campuses.
Who Accesses Accessible Learning Services? Any registered Mohawk College student that has been identified or suspects that they have a disability. We support many students with a wide range of disabilities; including but not limited to: Physical, Medical, Mobility, and Neurological Conditions Mental Health Condition Learning Disability Acquired Brain Injury Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing Blind or Low Vision
Registration is required for Accommodations The need for accommodation and supporting documentation is not transferred by high schools or former post-secondary schools to Mohawk College – Accessible Learning Services It is important for students to identify with Accessible Learning Services to receive accommodations. We recommend registration with Accessible Learning Services well before the start date of classes.
Documentation ALS requires documentation of disability to provide appropriate accommodations and services. The type of documentation to be submitted will be determined by the nature of the disability Psychoeducational assessments must be no older than 5 years or conducted after the age of 18 Medical Documentation Form (located on the college’s website) to be completed by a Registered Health Care Professional Individual Educational Plans (IEP) from High Schools can be used to provide an interim or initial accommodation plan
Documentation Continued… Other documentation may include: Neuropsychological assessment Medical letter with impact of disability, diagnosis is not required Audiogram Please note: If you suspect you have a Learning Disability, please contact Accessible Learning Services to obtain a Delta Screener. A General Practitioner can not diagnose a learning disability. If you have any questions about documentation please contact our Triage staff: or 905-575- 2211 services-resources
What We Offer
Confidential Services All student documentation, information shared and other records are kept in strict confidence based upon The Freedom of Information and Protection Act (FIPPA) There is student autonomy in terms of sharing the Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan (CAAP) with faculty and others There will be no record of accessing Accessible Learning Services on your diploma or transcript manual/introduction-act
Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan The CAAP Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan
Creating the CAAP Accessing accommodations is a self-driven process Creating the CAAP is a collaborative and empowering process The CAAP can be reviewed and modified at any time based upon student need Disclosure of a disability is at the discretion of the student and disability diagnosis does not appear on a CAAP
Accommodation Planning There are 2 main types of accommodations: 1. Accommodations for the Classroom Setting 2. Accommodations for Testing
ALS Supports Ongoing accommodation planning Learning Strategies Adaptive technology assessment and training Alternative format Access to equipment loan
Mohawk College Supports Accessibility Counsellors work closely with professors and College service areas to support students accommodation needs. Accessible Learning Services connects students with services that promote academic success including : Learning Support Centre: peer tutoring, math & writing centre Counselling Services Health Centre
Financial Information and Support There are grants and bursaries for both Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and non-OSAP students. ALS provides information and helps students apply for funding available for students with disabilities; including grants, and bursaries. **Accessible Learning Services encourages students to apply for OSAP in order to increase the amount of funds that they could potentially be eligible for.
Next Steps Gather any documentation related to your disability (medical documentation, IEP, assessments). Contact Triage Support Staff by: Phone: (905) 575-2211 Email: Visit: The Square to arrange an appointment.