Creating the 2018-2019 Webinar Series Together Recording State Advisory Panel (SAP) and State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) 2018-2019 Webinar Series September 27, 2018 Creating the 2018-2019 Webinar Series Together Welcome! We’re Glad You’re Here!
Welcome! Thanks for joining today. We will begin very soon. To prevent background noise from interfering with the call, your line is muted on entry. During the presentation, you will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments at any time, by using the chat. You will receive a short survey after the webinar. Please take a few minutes to give us your input.
The Webinar Series Initially created in response to the expressed SAP/SICC needs Supported through a collaboration across: OSEP, Parent Centers, National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI), Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA), Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education (TAESE) and Volunteers from SAPs and SICCs.
Our Goal Help SAPs and SICCs meet their charge to ‘advise and assist’ state agencies responsible for Part C and Part B programs under IDEA. The ability to ‘advise and assist’ demands: Working structure for the SAP/SICC Content preparation of members Roles that build on the experience and the network connections of members More...
Our Belief To be a support to your SAP/SICC, we must: Know what you care about Learn what you need Help you to interact with us and with SAP/SICC members in other states Co-create the webinars series content with you
Today Please participate actively Respond to Polls Help us understand poll results Enter ideas in the CHAT Raise your ‘virtual hand’ and your line will be unmuted for you to share your ideas
To what extent does your SAP/SICC want webinars focused on these organizational topics: (Choose all that apply) Onboarding new members Operational practices in successful SAPs/SICCs Ways that SAPs and SICCs ‘advise and assist’ Approaches to meeting the information needs of SAP/SICC members Other...please list your ideas in the CHAT
To what extent is your SAP/SICC focused on these topics: (Check all that apply) Cultural and racial disparities/significant disproportionality Social/Emotional/Mental Health Trauma Informed Care Dispute Resolution Connections across Part C and Part B services Personnel Shortages and Strategies to address shortages Influencing practice in a ‘local control’ environment Authentic Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities Other...please list your ideas in the CHAT
In what format would your SAP/SICC prefer the webinar content: (Choose all that apply) Information with the opportunity to interact on content (Presentation, Polls and Chat) Information and ideas about what an SAP/SICC could do Information with an ‘age-span perspective’ (looking at the issue from both Part C and Part B)
Visit the SAP-SICC website Check out the State Resources at
Assessing information after this webinar Information from SAPs and SICCs, archived webinars (which includes the PowerPoint presentation, recording and captioning) are available by going to the SAP/SICC Collaborative Space.
Upcoming Webinars: Watch for dates and topics January 2019 March 2019 June 2019 September 2019 Invite your members to join the webinars! The flyer will be posted on
Please tell us how we are doing Each registered participant will receive a short survey immediately following this webinar. Please take a few minutes to share your insights. SAP SICC Webinar Survey Thanks you for your participation today!