Periodic Table of Elements Journal Pages 82-83
Use pages 82-83 in your journals On page 82 Draw 10 boxes and color and label them according to the boxes below. EXCEPT BASIC METALS WILL BE GRAY!!!
What is the periodic table of elements? Underneath your key answer this question after doing research on the web. Look for the following information: Who started it? What does it show us? How is it organized? What are families and periods….please label these on your periodic table.
Step 1: Color the Non-metals Green Non-Metals include the following: Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium
Step 2: Color the Halogens light blue. Fluorine down to Unenseptium. What do you notice about this family??
Step 3: Color the Semi-metals yellow-green. What state of matter are all the semi-metals in?
Step 4: Color the Nobel Gases INDIGO
Step 5: Color the Alkali Metals Red
Step 6: Color the Alkaline Earth Metal: Orange
Step 7: Color the Transition Metals: Yellow
Step 8: Color the Lanthanide series PURPLE
Step: 9 Color the Actinide Series PINK
Step 9: Color the basic metals gray.
Now fill out the arrows by the Carbon box