Computers Vocabulary
system unit a keyboard a monitor a screen keys a mouse a folder a mouse mat a cursor an icon a window a taskbar a menu
a memory stick a CD (compact disc) a password a hard drive wi-fi a firewall
Fill in the sentences A small picture or a symbol on a computer screen is called an i............ A k................. represents a set of keys on a computer. A piece of material on which you move the mouse is called a m........... m........... A t.................. consists of a set of symbols on a computer screen that shows the programs you are using. A f............. is a place on a computer where files can be stored. A m........ s............ is a small piece of equipment where you can store or copy information. A secret combination of letters and numbers which proves your identity is called a p................ A v............... is a computer program that can make copies of itself and prevents the computer from working normally. W - f enables you to connect to the Internet without using wires. A f............. protects the computer from other users while it is connected to the Internet. To d............. means to copy programs or information into a computer’s memory. A h........ d....... is used for storing large amounts of information. A ........... is used for recording and storing audio and video information.
Answers. icon keyboard mouse mat taskbar folder memory stick password virus wi-fi firewall download hard drive A CD