Particle Computer
Particle Computer Germany based Start-Up producing/distributing/applying Particle Technology Particle Technology developed by TecO/University of Karlsruhe, applications partially by SAP AG Seeking for collaboration Collaboration for Distribution / Licensing / Joint Production for Particle Technology Collaborative Service and Application development Venture Capital / Joint developments
Particle system architecture Network Particle Bridge Particle DB Particle Location System Particle Analyzer Over-the-Air- Programming Show here the prototypes Particle Node
Particle System Implementation
Particle Family 3 different families The economic affordable uPart family for cost critical applications. The ultra-low-power pPart family for energy efficient settings. The 802.15.4 standard compliant zPart family. The three families can be mixed up and combined in the same network. They all share a common communication protocol independent from the underlying radio technology and a common PC-based software framework. OS, firmware, Standard applications are pre-installed. Advantages Low price, low power single networked sensors Simple to use, simple to apply (ready to run out of the box) Large variety of sensors available off-the-shelf Pre-fab of building units: they only need to configured to be applied for an application greatly reduces development time Multi-step networking reduces costs: Overlay networking and routing possible Multi-step sensing reduces costs: Mix with more powerful networked sensor systems possible Best of both worlds: In-situ reaction without backend connection possible
Particle Family pPart zPart uPart Particle Computer 2/30 zPart 2/00 Ad hoc communication Programmable on-board processor Research and development Low power Single AAA battery operation zPart 2/00 802.15.4 compliant Radio Best for integration with ZigBee enabled appliances Programmable processor Software compatible to particle computer 2/30 u-Part 1/40 Ultra small (<1cm²) Low priced Low power Long lifetime up to 5 years+ Multihop infrastructure pPart zPart uPart
Application Example: Asset Monitoring Active supervision of goods Peer-to-Peer application, fast in-situ reaction for preventing dangerous situations Ensuring integrity by object, not by service Hazardous materials RELATE, CoBIs, TEA, Möbel ETH, e-Seal, others? Security @ work Source: Ken Douglas, BP
Particle Sensor Network Application Ex.: ERP Embedding (SAP) CRM PLM SRM Physical World SCM ERP Leg- acy A2A People collaboration B2B roles Devices embedded analytics alerts Smart Items Particle Sensor Network Information
Application Example: Production You need to mount me the piece X at the position Y with the tool Z! Please send me a mechanic with the tool X and a spare part Y because I’m sensing strange vibrations at component Z! Smart Factory Predictive Maintenance Collaborative production
Other Applications areas Environmental Monitoring Natural disasters prevention Agricultural monitoring Industrial & Home Automation Energy management HVAC management Defense & Security Perimeter monitoring Crisis management Border control Civil infrastructure monitoring Wineyard monitoring Earthquake monitoring Vulcano monitoring Water quality Tsunami monitoring Animal monitoring in wild habitats Forest fire in Portugal Water pipeline in Spain