Animal Rights in Islam (07) By: Hassan Taha By: Hassan Taha
* The general meaning of Islam is: “Abiding by God’s rules and avoiding evil without repining.” * Salaam, the Arabic root word of Islam, means, “Peace, security, tranquility, and harmony.” Therefore, the Islamic way of life entails living in peace and harmony at individual and social as well as ecological levels.
Humans are equal partners with everything else on the earth Humans are equal partners with everything else on the earth. Moreover, we have additional responsibilities. We are definitely not the lords and masters of everything in nature, but rather friends and guardians. The cultural values of humans affect the way the natural resources are perceived, used, and managed.
1- People’s Attitudes: All animals were created for a purpose 1- People’s Attitudes: All animals were created for a purpose. Peoples’ attitudes towards animals differ. While some people prefer children to pets, others prefer the latter to the former. As customary, Islam is always moderate.
2- Animals and man: if animals can't reason, can't talk, can they suffer? In 1926, Charles Hume founded the London Animal Society (latter named the University Federation for Animal Welfare), which eventually made people think rationally about the suffering of animals.
3- Human Domination over other creatures: God says: "And He has made of service to you whatever is in the heavens and on earth; it is all from Him; in that are indeed signs for those who reflect." (45:13) * It is the responsibility of humans to make use of whatever God has created for them in a responsible manner. Since all things have been created for our benefit, it behooves us to do the following:
Protect everything from damage i. e. care and nurture Protect everything from damage i.e. care and nurture. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: "No one plants a seedling or farms a land and after that, humans, animals and birds eat therefrom, except that God will reward him as though he gave it in charity." (Muslim)
(b) sustainable utilization and development for our benefit in keeping with their dignity as God's creation. God says: "There is not a thing but celebrates His praise and yet you understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbearing, Most Forgiving." (17:44)
(c ) Thanking God for such blessings in a practical manner (c ) Thanking God for such blessings in a practical manner. God says: "if ye are grateful, I will add more (favors) unto you. But if you show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed." (14:07)
(d) Putting into consideration that we all share many of the blessings of God. God says: "… and the earth moreover has He extended (to a wide expanse); He draws out therefrom its moisture and pasture, and the mountains has He firmly fixed – for use and convenience to you and your cattle." (79:30-33)
(e) keeping in mind that they are of great benefit to us (e) keeping in mind that they are of great benefit to us. We read in the Qur'an: "And He has created horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride on as well as for adornment, and He has created other things of which you have no knowledge." (16:08)
(f) meditation, consideration and contemplation: God says: "Do they not look at the camels, how they are made? And the sky how it is raised high? – and at the earth how it is spread out." (88:17-20) * Wonders of a camel: (1) its hump shields its body from the scorching sun and provides food reserves. (2) It can go for 3 days without water in Summer because it doesn’t sweat until the temperature reaches 400 C (1050 F) (3) It responds most to loving care and kind words.
4- Code of conduct towards animals: (a) Treat them with kindness and consideration: Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions when traveling, to let their camels graze. He said: "When you are journeying through a fertile land, go slowly in order to let your camels graze, and when you pass through a barren and dry land, go quickly so that they don't get hungry and weak." (Muslim)
(d) Our treatment of animals will eventually determine our fate in the Hereafter: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told his companions of a woman who was destined to hell because of incarcerating a cat; she never fed it nor did she let it go. (Bukhari) On the other hand, a woman was forgiven her sins because of watering a dog. (Bukhari)
(e) Avoid using them as targets: When Ibn Umar visited Yahya bin Said, he found the latter's sons aiming at a hen after tying it up. He untied the it and then said to Yahya: "Prevent your children from killing hens for no apparent reason. I heard the Prophet forbid killing living things without any purpose." (Bukhari)
(f) Avoid scaring or disturbing them: Prophet Muhammad’s advice to his companions who took nestlings of a serin.
References: 1- Qur’an and Sunnah 2- Water Management in Islam by Naser Faruqui 3- Islamic Ruling on Animal Slaughter by Muslim World League 4- Thus Shall I Stand Before God by Hassan Hathout
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