Hur klarar infrastrukturen? Nordic Rail 2015 Hamid Zarghampour Strateg
Gothenburg in 1645
Gothenburg in the late 1800's
London in the late 1800's
Engineers in the late 1800's
Cities started to emerge ….. (Cars as the norm for designing cities)
Economic growth…… and some negative impacts Safety about 1.2 million traffic fatalities per year, globally Capacity Congestion due to the extensive urbanization (continues) Environment about 18% of CO2 emissions from the road transport system, globally x
Global Megatrends Continued urbanisation Growing number of megacities Air quality major health issue Traffic casualties huge global health problem Congestions – economic and personal losses Desire for constant connectivity Desire for individual mobility Transition to sustainable fuels/energy
Self-Driving Cars-Science Fiction? GM projection of the future from the 50s.
Possibilities from Technical Developments The development of active safety systems have created cars that can: Sense the surroundings and brake automatically Communicate and transfer useful traffic information Adapt the speed Keep a distance Follow a lane Can measure the state of the driver
New Generations – New Challenges Young people grow up used to be constantly connected. Mobility in the future will require connectivity. How to combine individual mobility and connectivity?
DriveMe Project The worlds first large scale project for self-driving cars Project started 2014 Self-driving cars on public roads in 2017 100 customer cars 50 km highway/ max speed 70-80 kmh Automatic parking in 2015
The Technology Cameras Radars Lasers Map data Cloud connection Traffic Control Centre
Focus Areas Societal and economical benefits: improving traffic efficiency, traffic environment and road safety Infrastructure aspects Suitable traffic situations Customer expectations on autonomous vehicles How surrounding road users interact with a self-driving car Legal and liability aspects Cameras Radars Lasers Map data Cloud connection Traffic Control Centre
Parked cars uses 25% of the available space in 98% of the time Ytan kritisk faktor - ex vis idag 25% parkerad bil av vägutrummet och står still 98% av tiden - Omfördelning av gatans rum har påbörjats - Hur man använder ytan blir ett kvalitetsmått.
Automatic Parking More optimized use of urban space. Improved personal security. Densification of urban areas: Accessibility to residential areas. Parking away from residential areas. ’Brownfields’ used for parking garages.
Infrastructure Potentials AD vehicles: large potential savings in infrastructure investments: Less crashes – fewer disturbances Connected self-driving vehicles: Improved traffic flow Narrow gaps – higher density Guided vehicles: more narrow lanes – additional lanes on existing roads Special by-passes for AD vehicles: Adapted and more lean Trv/ Volvo research project on road magnets. Additional lanes on existing roads.
Autonomous Driving – Car Sharing Self-rearranging AD vehicles for car sharing: Will come to you when you need it and you leave it to take care of itself when you arrive.
Safety Technologies Automatic braking for more objects Automatic braking in darkness V2V and V2I communication Road edge and barrier steer assist Distance and steering assist Auto brake in intersections Systems will continue to avoid or mitigate crashes regardless of being in AD mode or development of AD.
Liabilities Who is liable for crashes when the car is in control? Civil liabilities (economic compensation): - Matter for insurance companies - May be rebutted to manufacturer Criminal liabilities: - According to many national laws the driver is always in charge. - Is the driver liable even if not in control and no intent to harm?