IBP Client APIs Storage Management IBP_allocate , IBP_manage Data Transfer IBP_store, IBP_load, IBP_copy, IBP_mcopy Depot Management IBP_status NFU IBP_nfu_op
IBP Capability Format ibp://hostname:port/<resourceid>#key/WRMkey/WRM Example Read Cap: ibp://rod.cs.utk.edu:6714/0#abcd….6789/0123456789/READ Write Cap: ibp://rod.cs.utk.edu:6714/0#abcd….6789/9876543210/WRITE Manage Cap: ibp://rod.cs.utk.edu:6714/0#abcd….6789/2345678901/MANAGE
Data Structure IBP_depot typedef struct { char host[MAX_LENGTH]; // hostname int port; // port number int rid; // resource id } *IBP_depot;
Data Structure IBP_attributes typedef struct { time_t duration; // expiration time ( -1 for permanent ) int reliability; // IBP_HARD or IBP_SOFT int type; // access mode } *IBP_attributes ; Four Access Modes: IBP_BYTEARRAY, IBP_BUFFER, IBP_FIFO, IBP_CIRQ
Data Structure IBP_timer typedef struct ibp_timer { int ClientTimeout; int ServerSync; } *IBP_timer;
Data Structure IBP_CapStatus typedef struct { int readRefCount; int writeRefCount; unsigned long int currentSize; unsigned long int maxSize; struct ibp_attributes attrib ; } *IBP_CapStatus;
IBP_allocate IBP_set_of_caps IBP_allocate( IBP_depot depot, IBP_timer timer, unsigned long int size, IBP_attributes attribute ) Allocate a size bytes remote storage area on the depot with specific attribute. On success, IBP_allocate returns a set of capabilities. Otherwise a NULL is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_Store unsigned long int IBP_store ( IBP_cap cap , IBP_timer timeout, char *data, unsigned long int size); Upload size bytes of data to the depot. On success, IBP_store returns number of bytes written. Otherwise 0 is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_load unsigned long int IBP_load ( IBP_cap cap , IBP_timer timeout, char *data, unsigned long int size, unsigned long int offset ); Download size bytes of data, starting at offset, from the depot. On success, IBP_load returns number of bytes read. Otherwise 0 is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_copy unsigned long int IBP_copy ( IBP_cap srcCap , IBP_cap dstCap, IBP_timer srcTimeout, IBP_timer dstTimeout, unsigned long int size, unsigned long int offset ); Move size bytes of data , starting at offset, from srcCap to dstCap . On success, IBP_copy returns number of bytes written. Otherwise 0 is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_mcopy unsigned long int IBP_mcopy ( IBP_cap srcCap , IBP_cap dstCaps[], unsigned int nDstCaps; IBP_timer srcTimeout, IBP_timer dstTimeout, unsigned long int size, unsigned long int offset int type[], int port[], int service);
IBP_mcopy Move size bytes of data , starting at offset, from srcCap to an array of dstCaps . On success, IBP_mcopy returns number of bytes written. Otherwise 0 is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_manage unsigned long int IBP_manage ( IBP_cap cap , IBP_timer timeout, int cmd, int capType, IBP_CapStatus status ); 4 Commands: IBP_INCR IBP_DECR IBP_CHNG IBP_PROBE On success, IBP_manage returns 0, otherwise -1 is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_status IBP_dptInfo IBP_status ( IBP_depot depot, int cmd, IBP_timer timeout, char *passwd, unsigned long int hardSize, unsigned long int softSize, long duration ); 2 Commands: IBP_ST_INQ IBP_ST_CHANGE On success, IBP_manage returns a pointer to IBP_dptInfo structure, otherwise NULL is returned with IBP_errno indicating error number.
IBP_nfu_op int IBP_nfu_op ( IBP_depot depot , int opcode, int nParameters, PARAMETER *paras, IBP_timer timeout); Invoke a NFU(opcode) on the depot. On success, IBP_nfu_ops returns IBP_OK. Otherwise error number is returned and also IBP_errno is set.
PARAMETER structure typedef struct { }PARAMETER; typedef enum { IOTYPE ioType; void *data; int offset; int length; }PARAMETER; typedef enum { IBP_REF_RD, IBP_REF_WR, IBP_REF_RDWR, IBP_VAL_IN, IBP_VAL_OUT,IBP_VAL_INOUT } IOTYPE;
Parameter Type Call-by-reference Call-by-value Use IBP capabilities as parameters. At IBP depot side, NFU reads/writes data from/to allocations. Call-by-value User data are sent to IBP depot for input parameters and results are sent back from depot for output parameters.