Title: Anat & Phys 12/8/06 Objectives: Class Topics 11/18/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 12/8/06 Objectives: To assess learning about the physiology of muscles. Class Topics Muscle Physiology Test Biomechanics “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” Harry S. Truman Sunday, November 18, 2018 1:23 AM
Finals Schedule 12/15/06 - 12/21/06 # Revised lunch schedule 11/18/2018 Finals Schedule 12/15/06 - 12/21/06 # Revised lunch schedule Friday the bus leaves at 10:40 Buses run at regular times – Mon, Tues, and Wed Thursday the bus leaves at 11:00
Class Assignments Muscle physiology test 12/8/06 Due this class period 11/18/2018 Class Assignments What By When Muscle physiology test 12/8/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Posttest Activities Read the handout 11/18/2018 Posttest Activities Read the handout Please don’t write on them, I need them back
Biomechanics Skeletal system and muscular system working together 11/18/2018 Biomechanics Skeletal system and muscular system working together Levers 3 types of levers 1st class 2nd class 3rd class
Levers Fi Fo Pivot Force in Force out Fi Fi Fo Fo 2nd class 1st class 11/18/2018 Fi Fo Pivot Force in Force out Levers Fi Fi Fo Fo 2nd class 1st class Fo Fi 3rd class
Increases speed and overcomes resistance 11/18/2018 1st class lever Triceps Brachii, also found in muscles of neck and head Fi Fo Increases speed and overcomes resistance
2nd Class Lever Gastrocnemius 11/18/2018 2nd Class Lever Gastrocnemius Fi Fo Used to overcome resistance, move large weights
Used to obtain rapid movement 11/18/2018 3rd Class Lever Masseter and temporalis with the mandible, also the biceps brachii F1 Fo Used to obtain rapid movement
11/18/2018 Mechanical Advantage Force out can be many times larger than force in by using the correct lever system Fo = Fi (li/lo) li is the distance from Fi to the pivot (fulcrum), and lo is the distance from Fo to the pivot Fi = 160 dynes 1 mm 3 mm Fo = ? Fo Fi
From: http://www.fiu.edu/~condon/biomech8.gif 11/18/2018 Velocity Another advantage can come through velocity Vo = Vi (lo/li) From: http://www.fiu.edu/~condon/biomech8.gif
11/18/2018 Find the force and velocity for the following triceps muscles - the force in is always 2000 dynes Human lo = 43 cm li = 3.5 cm Mole lo = 2.4 cm li - 0.6 cm
Low gear/high gear muscles 11/18/2018 Low gear - power (overcome inertia) High gear - velocity (maintain or increase momentum) Muscles with the same action, but different, but one is for speed the other is power Ex. Semimembranosus li = 10.2, lo = 34 Ex. Gluteus medius li = 3.4, lo = 34 High gear muscles are shorter (less time to contract)
11/18/2018 One last problem Measure foot from posterior edge of toes to your heel - this is li. Measure your foot from the same spot to your ankle (malleoli) = lo. Your weight is Fo, find your Fi.