Our Challenge! The beginnings of Envision Stephen Reed
Chinese Symbol for Crisis: Danger Opportunity
A network of stakeholders dedicated to making a collective impact on the issue of access to mental healthcare in the region Autauga Elmore So what is the Healthy Minds Network? Montgomery Lowndes
Access to quality mental healthcare for all Vision Access to quality mental healthcare for all
Collective Impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzmMk63ihNM https://flic.kr/p/6LREjS Wind farm on the horizon by David Joyce CC BY-SA 2.0 “The commitment of a group of actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a complex social problem.” (FSG)
How is Collective Impact different? Common Agenda Shared Measure-ment Mutually Reinforcing Activities Source: http://www.fsg.org/OurApproach/WhatIsCollectiveImpact.aspx Common Agenda: All participants have a shared vision for change including a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions Shared Measurement: Collecting data and measuring results consistently across all participants ensures efforts remain aligned and participants hold each other accountable Mutually Reinforcing Activities: Participant activities must be differentiated while still being coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of action Continuous Communication: Consistent and open communication is needed across the many players to build trust, assure mutual objectives, and appreciate common motivation Backbone Organization: Creating and managing collective impact requires a separate organization with staff and a specific set of skills to serve as the backbone for the entire initiative and coordinate participating organizations and agencies Continuous Communication Backbone Organization
How do we align activities? Planets in alignment by TORLEY https://flic.kr/p/6ZipKy CC BY-SA 2.0
Promote mental health awareness through education, training, and outreach.
Increase the overall quality of mental health service delivery.
Improve interactions among mental health consumers, law enforcement, and the courts.
Sequential Intercept Map
White House Data Driven Justice Initiative
How will you know if you’re having an impact? Impact by AJC ajcann.wordpress.com CC BY-SA 2.0 <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/ajc1/8668918084" title="Impact by AJC ajcann.wordpress.com, on Flickr"><img src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8395/8668918084_7b0cb6c902_s.jpg" width="75" height="75" alt="Impact"></a>
Source: http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/cs/algee-ometer/
Post-Incarceration Case Manager Demonstration: Year 1 40 Clients
Re-arrests = 2 40 Clients
Re-incarcerations = 1 40 Clients
Typical Recidivism Rate PICM Recidivism Rate 56.7% 2.5%
Average Annual Savings If ONE case manager keeps 30 clients from returning to jail . . . $600,000
Average Annual Savings If FIVE case managers keep 150 clients from returning to jail . . . $3 million
Expansion Plan Add 10-15 case managers at a rate of 4 per year Average cost per case manager = $40,000/year After 3 years, 300-400 client capacity $6-8 million in savings per year
The public will is where the change starts to happen. http://www.presentermedia.com/index.php?target=closeup&maincat=clipart&id=9451
Questions? I am an engineer by Orin Zebest https://flic.kr/p/4PsGWL CC BY 2.0
Thank You For more information contact: Lynn Beshear, Executive Director, Envision 2020 (lynn@envision2020.org or 334-269-0224)