Duke of Edinburgh Bronze – End of the 6 Month Programme
What do I need to do now? We are now at the end of the 6 month period, meaning you have ALL completed at least one section (Volunteering or Skill) You MUST make sure you have completed your outline on eDofE for this section You MUST upload at least 5 pieces of evidence onto eDofE – e.g. photos, certificates, self-assessment, worksheets, anything from your Period 6 Passport… You MUST give your assessors report to your Period 6 teacher next Monday ready to be completed and officially signed off If you have chosen to do another activity for this section (e.g. cricket coaching), and not use the school one for your DofE Award, then please get the lead adult to complete the Assessors Report in your passport. All of the above needs to be completed by Monday 23rd April
What is my assessors report? They are found in your Record Books, which were given out in Autumn Term. They look like this (see right) Before giving this to your teacher or lead adult, make sure you have completed all the details at the top – including participant name, activity, dates, and goal set Your date started was 25/09/17 Your date completed is 26/03/18
What next? Next term, Period 6 classes will change and you will be do the opposite section (Volunteering or Skill). You must complete all these outline details on eDofE by Monday 7th May. You must all now start your Physical section, if you have not done so already. This can include any sports club or fitness activity either inside or outside of school. Once again, you should upload evidence for this and get the lead adult or teacher to complete your assessors report for you. Both of these sections should be completed by the end of the Summer Term
Route Card & Expeditions Route cards for BOTH expeditions should be completed by the Easter holidays (only 2 Mondays left!) Expedition letters will be sent home this week outlining what days your trip is on and finer details for the weekend. What can you do to get ready? Wear your walking boots around the house (less blisters on expedition!) Make sure you have all your kit ready for the expeditions Decide on your meals with your group and work out how you’re going to get it ready