A. Number vs. Quantity Quantity - number + unit UNITS MATTER!!
Celcius* (centigrade*) Metrics – Base Units Measurement Base Unit Abbreviation Length meter m Mass gram* g Volume liter L Temperature Celcius* (centigrade*) or Kelvin oC K *These are not SI units, but are base units for these measurements.
Base units continued Amount of Substance mole mol Time seconds s
A. SI Prefix Conversions Symbol Factor mega- M 106 Base Units Gram (g) Liter (L) Meter (m) seconds(s) kilo- k 103 BASE UNIT --- 100 deci- d 10-1 move left move right centi- c 10-2 milli- m 10-3 micro- 10-6 nano- n 10-9 pico- p 10-12
Why use the metric system?
Metrics Because of the worldwide use of science, an international system of measurements was developed in 1960. This system is referred to as the SI (le Systeme International). This system utilizes specific SI base units. The advantage of the system is that it is a decimal system based on multiples of 10. The system uses prefixes to indicate the multiples of 10. (How many times you move the decimal.)
A. SI Prefix Conversions = 532 m = _______ km 0.532 NUMBER UNIT NUMBER UNIT
A. SI Prefix Conversions 1. Find the difference between the exponents of the two prefixes. 2. Move the decimal that many places. To the left or right?
(exponent of start)-(exponent of end) 33 kg to mg Kilo has an exponent of 3 and milli has an exponent of -3 (3) – (-3) = 6 since it is positive, you move it places to the right 24 mm to m Milli has an exponent of -3 and meter is a base unit so it has an exponent of 0 (-3) – (0) = -3 since it is negative you move 3 places to the left
A. SI Prefix Conversions 1) 20 cm = ______________ m 2) 0.032 L = ______________ mL 3) 45 m = ______________ nm 4) 805 dm = ______________ km
Temperature Scales Fahrenheit: Based upon the boiling and melting points of alcohol. Celsius: Based upon the boiling and melting points of water. 0o C = Melting Point 100o C = Boiling Point 11/18/2018
Compare Temperatures F = C (1.8) + 32 C = F – 32 (.555) 11/18/2018
Absolute Temperature Kelvin: Based scale upon absolute zero. Absolute Zero: The coldest temperature possible. (Theoretical Point) Remember that temperature is based on average KE. Therefore, at 0 Kelvin there will be absolutely no movement of the atoms/molecules of the substance. Absolute Zero = -273.16 C Used the same sized graduations as in the Celsius scale. 11/18/2018
Kevin to Celsius Comparisons Melting Point Absolute Zero 0 C -273.16 C 273.16 K 0 K Kelvin degrees are the same graduation as Celsius They simply start (0) at different places. Celsius at Melting Point, Kelvin at Absolute Zero 11/18/2018
Kelvin/Celsius Conversions Melting Point Absolute Zero 0 C -273.16 C 273.16 K 0 K K = C + 273* C = K – 273* *A more precise value would be 273.16, but to keep it simple, we’ll use the 273 value. 11/18/2018