Tina Douglas Assistant Superintendent, Business Services 2015-16 FIRST INTERIM REPORT (FINANCIAL INFORMATION AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2015) DECEMBER 8, 2015 Tina Douglas Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
2015–16 First Interim Report – Positive Certification TONIGHT’S GOALS 2015–16 First Interim Report – Positive Certification Major Changes Since Budget Adoption Process/Next Steps 2
REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS – 2015-16 MAJOR CHANGES - REVENUE REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS – 2015-16 $ (in millions) Reduction in GAP Funding Projection from 53.08% to 51.52% (DOF Projection) ($1.3 million) One-Time Revenues ($529.29/ADA) $27.0 million Career Pathways Grant $6.0 million 3
MAJOR CHANGES - EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS – 2015-16 $ (in millions) STRS rate increase $0.4 million PERS rate increase $0.3 million Ongoing and Major Maintenance (RRMA restored to 3%) $0.95 million Special Education staffing (low-incident caseloads) increase $0.2 million Anticipated costs for Affordable Care Act and AB1522 (Sick Leave) $2.5 million Health and Welfare Costs Adjustment ($0.5 million) 4
2015-16 MULTI-YEAR PROJECTION ASSUMPTIONS 1ST Interim Budget Assumptions 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 LCFF GAP Funding Rate 51.52% 35.00% Enrollment Adjustment (1,214) (1,000) (250) STRS 10.73% 12.58% 14.43% PERS 11.847% 13.05% 16.60% HEALTH & WELFARE BENEFITS 6.00% 8.00% 15/16 Adopted Budget was 53.08% 5
MYP GENERAL FUND 1ST Interim Budget 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 REVENUE $652,926,848 $630,754,259 $641,051,355 EXPENDITURES $605,909,388 $593,490,505 $606,587,375 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES ($8,895,813) ($8,953,364) ($8,983,278) NET INCREASE/DECREASE (DEFICIT SPENDING) $38,121,647 $28,310,390 $25,480,702 BEGINNING BALANCE $50,320,511 $88,442,158 $116,752,547 (DEFICIT SPENDING) / SURPLUS $28,310,389 ENDING BALANCE $142,233,249 COMPONENTS OF ENDING BALANCE: NON SPENDABLE $1,170,000 RESTRICTED BALANCE $10,354,363 $9,419,251 $7,263,692 COMMITTED BALANCE $7,547,581 $7,547,582 OTHER ASSIGNMENTS $57,074,110 $86,566,837 $113,940,563 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTIES $12,296,104 $12,048,877 $12,311,413 Non-spendable = revolving cash and stores 6
NEXT STEPS – Budget January 2016 March 2016 May 2016 June 2016 LCAP and Budget Adoption May 2016 LCAP Update to the Board March 2016 LCAP Update to the Board and Second Interim Report January 2016 Governor’s January Budget Proposal Next Steps – 2nd Interim Budget Report The Governor’s January Budget Proposal will be released January 9, 2015 2016-17 revenue projections will be adjusted based on the Governor’s Budget Proposal Multi-year projections will be adjusted based on staffing and operational needs as well as Board priorities LCAP Community Meetings will provide direction for budget priorities 7