WILLIAM DALEY Facts about artist: Born in New York The Massachusetts College of Art in Boston Graduate Degree from Columbia University Teachers College Ceramics teacher and artist Artist’s statement: Studio time is a kind of morphology: A quickener of tacit cues, which slows down my head to allow “seeping time,” as I work with tools in hand. I call it practice: The wonderings of If. “If” as add- venturing, “If” as play, serendipity, or chance. “if” as the alternatives of un-thought: Intuitions and feelings that morph my parts and pieces into holds. “Holds” nudge more pro-found possibles for what I thought I was trying to do with “now and then” or “how and why.” When the power of “If” informs “the possible becoming,” and these inter-restings insist, I have found something useful to pursue and given material evidence to share with others. I enjoy the rush of moving toward a more telling vessel: One in which the duality of material and spirit whisper the symmetry of wonder we share together.
Remembered Place, 1985 William Daley B's Place, 1985 William Daley
Friendly Location, 1981 William Daley Triaxel Opening, 1985 William Daley
Kufic Center, 1981 William Daley Coupled Place, 1988 William Daley
Goals for Artwork~ Architectural Vessel 1. Create organic, feminine vessel forms- go big. Attach geometric, repetitive forms inside and outside. Go with the flow- use my style. 2. Switch and make geometric vessels- adorn with organic designs. 3. Combine these two ideas into one piece. 4. Create a sculpture with two together, not a vessel. 5. Get crazy on final one. Maybe- add symbolic objects like birds, flowers, etc…