Attributes and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification Recognition Class
Recognition using visual attributes Credit to Neeraj Kumar
Prior Approach Credit to Neeraj Kumar
Proposed Approach : Attribute Credit to Neeraj Kumar
Attribute Label Collection Amazon Mechanical Turk 125,000 Attribute Labels = $5,000 + 1 month
Learning an Attribute Classifier
Using Attributes to perform face verification
Attribute Classifiers At 1,000+ examples per attribute.
Describing faces using Similes
Training simile classifiers
Reference People
Face Regions
Using simile classifiers to perform face verification
Results Dataset : LFW Image-Restricted Benchmark 6,000 face pairs (3,000 same, 3,000 different)
Performance on LFW 85.29% accuracy
Human Verification The background act as strong cues for face verification.
PubFig Dataset
Extension: Multi Attribute Search
Extension: Multi Attribute Search Relative Attribute, ICCV 2011
Relative Attribute