Global Vision – global reality 7th International Nurse Practitioner / advanced Practice nursing conference: Global Vision – global reality
Imperial College, London DATE AND VENUE: 20 – 22 August 2012 Imperial College, London Hosted by Royal College of Nursing, UK and ICN
Themes: Pushing the boundaries: Working in disaster zones, new technologies, working in innovative practice Passing the baton: Education, regulation Fit for the future: Research Leaping the hurdles: Challenges to ANP practice Field and Track: Clinical workshops and master classes
Key dates: Abstract submission website opens: January 2011 Closing dates for abstract submission: 30 November 2011 Notification of acceptance for presentation: 15 January 2012 Presenter confirmation of acceptance: 1 March 2012 Abstract presenter registration deadline: 29 May 2012
Scientific committee: abstract reviewers Contact: Julian Barratt London South Bank University State which theme you would like to review the abstracts for