BMBF Funding Instruments – An Overview CLOSED Calls “Joint Research Structures“ “Danube Call“ “Baltic Sea Call“ Exploiting knowledge and innovation potential in less research intensive European regions Encourage stronger links between the leading innovative regions upstream and the developing regions downstream Establishment and development of R&D networks with partners from the Baltic Sea region Objec-tives Those CESEEC that became EU member since 2004 plus WBC without BIH, KOS Danube region Baltic Sea region Target Region CLOSED 1st call 2015 15 projects have just started CLOSED 1st call 2013: 31 projects 2nd call 2015: 17 projects project start: spring 2017 CLOSED 3 calls in 2011, 2010, 2013 Evaluation in preparation Status
BMBF Funding Instruments – An Overview OPEN Calls “CESEER“ “EUREKA Bilateral DEU-CZE“ “EUREKA Danube Region“ Preparation of applications for R&D projects in Horizon2020 et al. Innovative and market oriented bilateral R&D projects Innovative and market oriented bi- and multilateral R&D projects Objec-tives Those CESEEC that became EU member since 2004 plus GRC plus WBC DEU and CZE DEU, HUN, AUT, HRV, ROU and CZE Target Region OPEN Launched on November 3, 2014, permanently open until December 2017 OPEN Launched on February 15, 2017, Open until 5 April 2017 OPEN Launched on February 6, 2017, Open until 31 March 2017 Status