End of World War 1 1914-1919
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Democracy short lived in Russia New communist government wants Russia out of WWI quickly. Treaty ends Russia’s involvement in the war. Signed between Russia & Germany
Americans arrive in Europe Battle of Belleau Wood first battle American troops fight in. Fresh energetic troops are just what the Allies needed to break the stalemate along the Western Front.
Harlem Fighters All volunteer African American Military unit. Very brave fought in France.
Battle of Argonne Forest Last battle of WWI Americans destroyed the German forces in 47 days After this great battle – Germans surrender Sept 1918.
Armistice Definition – is an agreement to stop fighting.
Life on the Homefront Rationing – to save items, for the American servicemen fighting in Europe. Ration cards were given out for items like butter, coffee, sugar, meat & gasoline.
Ms. Emery’s Great Grandfather’s War Ration book