Networks produce results – Impact Task Force launched ESF Committee TWG Brussels 6 April 2017
TN participation – Member States Gradually growing Averages: Round 1: 9.4 Round 2: 9.9 Round 3: 9.9 Round 4: 11.6 2
TN participation – stakeholders Averages: Round 1: 2.4 Round 2: 2.4 Round 3: 5.3 Round 4: 1.5 3
Recent TN activity Employment – visit to Cité des Métiers, Paris Inclusion – Deinstitutionalisation seminar Youth – visit to Jugend Aktiv Plus, Hamburg Learning & skills – visit to Forem Environnement, Mons Partnership – visit to Ballyfermot/Chapelizod Partnership, Ireland Social economy – Bratislava presidency conference
Recent products Newsletter no. 3 Technical Dossier 2 – calls for proposals Employment – white paper on service integration Youth – sharing paper on service integration Simplification – map of 257 SCOs Governance – paper on strategic management Youth – sharing paper on outreach (forthcoming) Partnership – coproduction paper (forthcoming)
Upcoming TN meetings Employment 19-20 April Brussels Inclusion 4-5 May 11-13 October Tallinn Homelessness Deinstitutionalisation Youth employment 11-12 May Prague Activation Learning & skills 16-17 May Rome Social economy 24-25 April 8-9 June Ljubljana SE Europe region Municipal SEs Simplification The Hague Annual conference 1-2 June
Future – inspiration – practice Annual conference, Brussels, 1-2 June Future – inspiration – practice 250 people 4 inspirational ● future of ESF sessions: ● future of inclusion future of training & work future of policy-making 12 interactive workshops
52 responses from 24 countries QUESTIONNAIRE ON TNC CALLS – December 2016-January 2017 52 responses from 24 countries BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, EE, EL, ES, FI, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LV, NL, PL, PT, SE, SI, SK, UK 8
11 MSs, that’s great news! Member States which declared participation in coordinated call 2018: BE (2 OPs), BG (2 OPs), DE (reg), EE, FI, IE, IT (2 OPs), LT, PL, PT, SE Member States which declared launching a transnational call (outside the Coordinated call): BE, BG, ES, HR, HU, NL, PL Member States which allow transnational component in their calls for projects: BG, CZ, DE, FI, HR, HU, SE, UK
In which themes will the Member States launch the 2018 coordinated call? BE (2 OPs), BG, EE, FI, IE, IT, PL Employment BE (2 OPs), BG, EE, FI, IE, IT, SE Youth employment BE (2 OPs), BG, FI, IE, IT, LT, PL, SE Inclusion BE (2 OPs), BG, IT, PL, SE Social economy BE (2 OPs), BG, FI, IE, IT (2 OPs), PL, PT Learning and skills BE (2OPs), IE, SE Migrants BG, IT Governance
Lessons learnt from the first Coordinated Call 2016 More countries need to participate All MSs need to stick to the agreed timetable, which would need to take into consideration different assessment time of the projects One Transnational Cooperation Agreement (TCA) should be used by all MSs Use of database should be obligatory Don’t add unnecessary requirements in the call – keep it simple! Need for clearning house facility for ‘orphan projects’
Aim of the Impact Task Force (ITF) Assist the Member States to prepare and implement transnational calls, by building capacity and facilitating agreement on the conditions for the next co-ordinated call Provide individual coaching at the request of Managing Authorities Moderate online forum for discussions and questions by Managing Authorities: force Help Member States to set up national/shadow networks Monitor outcomes of transnational calls (co-ordinated and flexible) Contribute to gathering evidence of the impact and added value of transnational activities in view of the preparation of the next programming period. First meeting of ITF was on 13-14 March 2017 in Brussels (minutes and follow-up documents available in the online forum mentioned above)
Timetable for 2018 Coordinated Call Impact Task Force agrees general Terms of Reference By April 2017 Thematic Networks agree the subthemes and specific requirements for their theme (if necessary) Launch of the calls within a 2-step procedure By July 2017 III and IV Q of 2017 4. Start of preparatory phase of projects within a 2-step procedure By March 2018 5. Official announcement of the 2018 coordinated call on MAs’ websites and TN Platform website (giving individual timetables and themes of the call) By end December 2017 6. Launch of the calls in MSs January-February 2018 7. Application deadline 11 May 2018 8. Projects start October 2018
Flexible calls and transnational component option COUNTRY LAUNCH OF THE CALL DEADLINE WHICH THEMES? BUDGET BE (nl) March 2017 18 May 2017 specific subthemes within 6 common themes €2.7m BG 2018-2019 governance - calls for civil servant training with an optional transnational component <€15m CZ summer 2017 calls with optional TN component; employment €7.4m DE IdA youth mobility 2015-2019 (federal level), transnational component possible in calls on regional levels (employment, youth employment, mobility, learning & skills) - Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein €46.6m total IdA c. €4.2m in regions EL NOT DECIDED YET ES 31 Jul 2017 31 Oct 2017 active inclusion in labour market; social entrepreneurship; combating discrimination such as Roma €3m FI June 2017 October 2017 possible transnational component; all themes
Partnerships possible! HR 1st Q 2017 2nd Q 2017 1st Q 2018 2018 possible transnational component under learning and skills; 1st Q 2017 TN call learning and skills 2nd Q 2017 Education 1st Q 2018 TN call on public administration social economy and employment €2.5m €7.5m ? HU OP Economic Innovation and Development: transnational component possible in some calls ex. quality development of the VET and adult training system; preventing early drop-outs form vocational education and social entrepreneurship by 31 March 2017 May 2017 (project start July 2017) inclusion and learning and skills (OP Human Resources Development ) €16m NL ongoing until Dec 2019 Calls for social innovation and TNC within Inclusion priority / labour market activation €5.3m PL April 2017 August 2017 February 2017 October 2017 25 April 2017 inclusion, employment, work-life balance networks youth mobility - IdA Revitalisation €30.3m PT NOT DECIDED YET (IF, then learning and skills, youth employment) SE In almost all SE calls TN component in all themes is possible; flexible calls to be determined UK Possibility of transnational component in regions Partnerships possible!
NEXT STEPS FOR THE IMPACT TASK FORCE Agreed General Terms of Reference for the 2018 coordinated call – circulated on 31 March 2017 Organising a workshop on the use of the online database (partner search tool etc.). Interest expressed by PT, BE, EE, BG. Reflect on creating the subgroups for specific themes or macro regions (can be done within/alongside the Thematic Network or macro-regional meetings, using online tools etc.). Interest expressed by: EE, BE, BG, FI, SE, HR, PL, LT. Exchange of experience and brainstorming around different assessment methodologies (esp. added value of transnationality) , project indicators and evaluation. Interest expressed by: BE, BG, DE, LT. Mutual learning on simplified cost options within transnational projects. Interest expressed by PT, HR and BG. Further discussion on alternative partner search options (co-organising partner search forum with financial contribution of Member States around March 2018). Interest expressed by: BE, DE, EE, LT, SE, FI, PL, HR, BG. Plan ‘orphan project matching’ activities in September 2018. Interest expressed by: BE, DE, EE, LT, SE, FI, PL, HR, BG. Possibility for individual coaching. Member States should contact AEIDL directly. PLEASE FILL IN THE GOOGLE FORM FROM THE AEIDL EMAIL FROM 31.03.17!
Just contact ESF Transnational Platform for assistance: If any other MS wants to join the the coordinated call – you are more than welcome! Just contact ESF Transnational Platform for assistance: Aleksandra Kowalska, Impact Task Force Coordinator, Tel. +32 2 736 1890