Open Data Readiness Assessment Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russian Federation 10 April 2013 Jeff Kaplan Alexander Ryabushko Senior Consultant Ministry of ICT ICT Unit - World Bank Ulyanovsk Oblast 1
Session Agenda Why Do an Open Data Readiness Assessment? Open Data Readiness Assessment: Process Findings and Recommendations From Assessment to Decisions
Why Do an Open Data Readiness Assessment? Before sharing the results of the Ulyanovsk Oblast ODRA ... It is important to address one question ...
Open Data Readiness Assessment = In the most simple terms, the ODRA is a map ... It helps a government understand where they are ... Where they are trying to reach ... And what route is best for them to get there.
1st thing the ODRA does is try to describe the starting point of a government (and a country/region/location) Experience of more than 100 governments around the world that are actually doing Open Data is that the destination to reach is creation of a sustainable OD Ecosystem -- involving civil society, the private sector, universities, developers, the media and individual citizens -- the result is more Open Data innovations faster, cheaper ... OD Ecosystem is not the end of the road ... But it is an important destination to reach in order to start seeing real value and innovations generated by OD.
Starting points vary for every government Starting points vary for every government ... Each has a different mixes of resources, different capacities, different legal frameworks, different institutional cultures, different cvil societies, different markets, different infrastructure. For this reason, the results of an ODRA will be different for each government. There will be some things in common (global best practices) but ... Every government at any level--federal, regional/state, city--will have its own route to this destination ... based on its own priorities, needs, strengths/weaknesses. For some, that route may be defined by a priority on generating economic growth from OD. For others, it will be mainly defined by strengthing government accountability, or public trust. Or improving public services. Others will have priorities for certain sectors. The ODRA tries to identify the unique combination for each government and help suggest a possible route (specific steps recommended in the Action Plan) 6
Standards are important, and some standards for OD have clearly developed (defining OD, eg) ... But standards will not tell how to get you from A to B. 7
ODRA in Ulyanovsk Oblast: Process & Experiences
The first stage: the degree of openness.
The second stage: a series of interviews.
The final stage: report.
Preparatory Info Collection Open Data Readiness Assessment - Phases Stakeholders agree on asessment details Assemble team Open Data expert Government partners Preparatory Info Collection Synthesis & Final Report Follow-up Info Collection Onsite mission
Findings & Recommendations
Open Data: Dimensions of Readiness 1. Leadership 5. Demand for Data 2. Policy / Legal Framework 6. Data User Communities 3. Institutional Readinesss 7. Financing 8. Technology & Skills Infrastructure 4. Data within Government 14
Overall Finding
Leadership Main finding: Top leadership embraces Open Data as the next phase of Open Government in Ulyanovsk Oblast. The regional leadership has proven its ability to execute Open Government initiatives, which suggests that its commitment to Open Data will be translated into action. Main Action Plan recommendations: Institutionalize the team that will lead OD implementation supported by an OD Working Group that will set standard policies on Open Data and identify/remove obstacles
Policy / Legal Framework Main finding: Nearly all ministries present information on their websites under full copyright protection. Inconsistent interpretations of some federal laws (competition, advertising) create uncertainty and may prevent release of certain important categories of data including company registry data. Main Action Plan recommendation: Seek definitive guidance on application of advertising, privacy and competition laws to data releases, based on expert advice from appropriate federal/regional bodies (2) Prepare/issue a standard “open data” license for Ulyanovsk government data, conforming to globally recognized Open Definition.
Institutional Readiness Main finding: Government has leadership and officials well-placed to lead/manage its OD initiative. Ministry of IT already effectively serves as CIO/ CTO for all agencies. And key ministries such as Ministry of Economy with technical capacity (including use of metadata) and data management capabilities. Main Action Plan recommendation: Officially designate a political lead, a coordinating agency and a core management team for the regional Open Data initiative ... Plus OD focal points at each ministry.
Data within Government Main finding: Most data is already in digital formats, and the regional government already publishes a notable amount of data, mainly on web pages (in html). However, data in areas most important to the public (e.g., housing, public utilities, and inspections) are not publicly accessible. Main Action Plan recommendation: Agencies should create inventory of data they already publish and then Government should agree on priority list of datasets to open at launch and regular intervals after launch 19
2012 03 05 Bratislava Plenary 0.2 18/11/2018 02:06:07 Demand for Data Demand for Data is a key dimension to future sustainability of any Open Data initiative. Main finding: Demand side appears to present the biggest challenge for Open Data readiness in Ulyanovsk. Government has a highly active approach to citizen engagement and there is also a notable amount of data sharing across government and between regional and municipal authorities ... The Assessment did not identify significant demand yet from civil society, the media or companies. The two leading issues for which the public is expressing demand for data—housing and public utilities —has not resulted in the release of much data yet. Main Action Plan recommendation: Targeted capacity building and outreach to infomediaries (e.g., data journalism boot camp), the private sector. (2) Not only enable requests on its OD portal, but have a process for following up on data requests with agencies who own the requested data to ensure its release. Given the real economic benefits that OD can produce and the strong skills base especially in the region’s private sector, there is the opportunity to lead Russia in economic exploitation of OD. 20
Data User Communities Main finding: The government has not begun to invest in reuse of its own data ... However, key potential user communities exist ... For its size, region has an outsized role in Russia’s Apps Economy in large part because of the robust ICT sector based in the region. It also has technical universities that supply graduates with technical skills and research capabilities. Main Action Plan recommendation: Invest time and resources in reuse of government data and co-creation activities ... Through partnerships with IT firms, developers, universities. 21
Financing Main finding: Key financing decisions for an OD initiative have not been made yet, and it was not determined how much the government currently invests in innovation related to the ICT sector. It is clear that the Government has invested in its ICT infrastructure, which is sufficient for an OD initiative. Main Action Plan recommendation: Government should develop a 2-year budget for Open Data initiative and identify funding sources.
Technology & Skills Infrastructure Main finding: Internet/mobile infrastructure is adequate in the region, and mobile Internet is being upgraded. IT skills within government are adequate, and there are significant IT skills base in Ulyanovsk outside government. Main Action Plan recommendation: Incorporate data training into the core training program for all civil servants, both at the regional and muncipal levels of government.
Next Steps: 1. Orders 2. Implementation 3. Control
Thank you for your attention.