Cameras app Smart solution
Cameras app A software solution for capturing/record (movies or pictures) specific events occured in a cash transaction. An agent (software app) controls the USB cameras installed on ATMs. Minimum software requirements for the agent: Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10 and at least Microsoft framework 4, recomended Microsoft Framework 4.6.X.
Benefits Customizable resolution (320x240, 640x480, depending of camera) Dedicated solution (can use one or more cameras) Multivendor Remote and onsite configuration interface Built in C# .NET Database Multimedia capture (jpeg and mp4) Important events recording (can be configured) Camera trigger Friendly web interface
How it works The capture command is triggered from the electronic journal, for example: “CARD INSERTED” and hidden PAN (2 pictures or as desired) “CASH PRESENT” (400 pictures or 40 sec video) “Cash taken” (30 sec video or less, as desired) “CASH RETAINED” “TRANSACTION END”
Where to find the recordings The multimedia files will be stored in the folder D:\Cameras\yyyyMMdd (Year, Month, Day), and the files will have the name: HHmmss_PAN_Portrait.jpeg or HHmmss_PAN_cash.mp4, where HHmmss = HoursMinutesSeconds An average of 300 trans/day will use almost 10 GB of space/month (depending on camera and settings used). The files can be stored as needed (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc)
Easy access Friendly web interface Database Easy file transfer