2nd Grade Ms. Wehmuller’s September 10th – 13th Peek at the week Continued Reading/Writing: “Tara and Tiree” Introduce new vocab Discuss characters, setting, problem, solution, author’s purpose, genre Compare/contrast with other Realistic Fiction Plural and Singular nouns -s, -es, irregular plural nouns Plural vs. Singular Interactive Notebook Math: Review <, >, = Review place value (1s, 10s, 100s, 1,000s) Introduce 10 more/less, 100 more/less Base 10 blocks: which place changes? Interactive Notebook activity Spelling/Phonics: Open and Closed syllables Roll and Write activity Classroom Novel: “Junie B. Jones and the yucky, blucky fruitcake.” Students are highly encouraged to bring a water bottle and/or CLEAR Gatorade! Homework folders will be sent home on Thursday. Please complete work and return on Monday. Wednesday Folders will be sent out Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday. Contact Info: Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! Email: owehmuller@jennings.k12.ok.us School Phone: (918) 757-2536 Reminders: P/T Conferences are on Thursday 9/13 from 4-7 and Friday 9/14 from 9-12. Please study spelling words every night Please read to/or have your child read every night.