English 11 – Period 7 - Fri, Nov. 18, 2016 HW Due Today: Semi/Colons – 3 sentences (from Semicolon or Comma WS) & additional worksheet (posted/given) – HAVE OUT ATDOAPTI – Finish Ch. 24-25 questions - TURN IN Right Now/Warm Up: Journal Entry – see handout (10 min)
English 11 - Fri, November 18, 2016 Journal Entry (10 min): In her poem “Human Family”, Maya Angelou said the following: “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” List and explain/give examples regarding three ways that we as people are all alike, despite our differences. Using your first response, give your top “Three Rules for Being Human.” Choose your #1 rule out of those three; explain why it is the most important. Give a personal example and a real world example.
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper Name, date, period at top Restate the question in your response 10 minute write – this is a thoughtful paragraph 15 minute write – this is the front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors
English 11 – Period 7 - Fri, Nov. 18, 2016 Today’s Tasks: Semicolons/Colons – REVIEW HW - three original sentences/practice worksheet Work on Punctuation Packet: finish TWO comma sections AND TWO semicolon or colon sections “Politics in Music” – Started last class; finish song analysis (2 songs per group; individual responses) / read article and respond (individual) & SUBMIT Short Story – “Quitter’s Inc.” (Stephen King) Read/listen to Part 1 (approx. 20 min) Work on Response Guide We will finish next class .
HW for Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016 Punctuation Packet – make sure you have completed a total of TWO comma sections and TWO semicolon or colon sections ) .
Works Cited Citation / In-Text Citation Works Cited Citation Template: Last, First M. “Website Article.” Website. Publisher, Day Month Year. Web. Day Month Year. Example: Clinton, Hillary R. “Speech on the Human Rights Agenda for the 21st Century.” American Rhetoric. American Rhetoric. 14 Dec. 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2016. In-text Citation Template: (Last Name). **(at end of sentences w/quotes & before period)