Rewards and Consequences Mrs. Herrin Brill – Second Grade
Second Grade Rewards Compliments Tickets Praise Prizes Stickers Bronco Bucks Tickets Prizes Certificates Extra Privileges
Compliments Compliments are an expression of good wishes. I love your polite manners!! Wow, terrific behavior today!! Super walking! Excellent listening!!
Praise Praise is an expression of approval. Thanks for pushing in your chair!! You followed directions perfectly!! Fantastic coming to school prepared!! Great way to solve your problem!!
Stickers Stickers are given for special accomplishments or on a paper for good work.
Bronco Bucks Bronco Bucks are given for many different accomplishments. They may be redeemed for extra privileges. Bronco Bucks 6
Tickets Tickets are given for many different accomplishments. They are saved until the “Ticket Store” is open for purchases.
Prizes Prizes are given by the teacher for other special accomplishments. Ticket Store Open 10 tickets 25 tickets 50 tickets 75 tickets
Certificates Certificates are given each grading period for Perfect Attendance.
Extra Privileges Extra Privileges may be purchased with tickets, Bronco Bucks or earned when the marble jar goal has been reached. Lunch with the teacher!! Draw with markers. Extra computer time!! Check with a gel pen!!
Second Grade Consequences Warnings Color Change Note to Parents Call to Parents Office Visit
Warnings Warnings may be verbal. and Warnings may be nonverbal such as hand motions or teacher eyebrows. You're talking!! You need to be quiet!!
Clip Change You will move your clip into the next section.
Note to Parents You or your teacher will write a note to your parents. Your teacher will send an email to your parents.
Call to Parents You will call your parents to explain the problem. or Your teacher will call your parents to discuss the problem.
Office Visit You will meet with a principal to discuss the problem.
You may lose some privileges. Other Consequences You may lose some privileges. Your parents may be required to attend a conference with your teachers. Your parents may be required to attend a conference with your teachers and the principals.