Epidemiology 1. Update of Anderson et al, J Clin Onc 2010
Epidemiology 2. Update of Anderson et al, J Clin Onc 2010
DES and BPA BPA synthesized 19th Century, tested 1935, EC Dodds DES synthesized 1938 by Dodd’s group
Low Concentrations have Big Effects, e.g. Sidenafil 100 mg dose Mol Wt 666.7 25 mg effective for 60% of men
Random Peri-areolar Fine Needle Aspiration
Spherical Growth of HRBECs High-Risk donor Breast Epithelial Cells Matrigel Basal alpha-6 integrin - BLUE Nuclei - Red ER-alpha and ER-beta
Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
mTOR Proteins
Research Plan
Help from the Counterargument Canned Foods At Meals N=20 BPA not in all Teeguarden et al Toxicological Science, 2011