Nutrition Within Digestive System A calorie is used to measure the potential energy in foods. Metabolic activities are the chemical & physical reactions that occur in organism that serve to keep it alive. Heart beating Breathing Digesting foods Thinking Production of hormones, enzymes, cells, proteins, ect And more! The sum of these activities is referred to as metabolism
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) The amount of energy required to sustain a person’s metabolic activities (metabolism) for one day if he or she is at rest.
BMR is influenced by… Age Gender Height Body mass Body fat percentage To calculate your TOTAL CALORIES needed you will also have to factor in activity levels!
MACRONUTRIENTS Carbohydrates = ENERGY Sugar, starches Fruit, bread, pasta, rice, cereal Protein = Muscles, Enzymes, Hormones, Hair, Nails, EVERYTHING has proteins Meat, cheese, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, milk (’s high in protein!) Fat (Lipids) = STORED energy, hormones All oils, lard, butter Unsaturated, Saturated, Trans- Unsaturated
Vitamins Organic (HAS carbon!) chemicals that are needed for your metabolism to function normally. Two Types of Vitamins Water Soluble – Dissolves in water. B – Vitamins and Vitamins C If consumed in excess, these vitamins will be eliminated in your URINE. Fat Soluble – Dissolves in fat Vitamin A, D, E, K If consumed in excess, these vitamins will be STORED in your fat and over time accumulated and build-up a toxicity.
Minerals Inorganic (no carbon) chemicals that the body needs in relatively small amounts, but are still essential Both vitamins and minerals are considered micronutrients.