GRAINS & grain products
GRAIN kernel “Whole grain“ = uses the entire kernel – germ, bran, endosperm
Grain product TRIVIA Is popcorn a WHOLE GRAIN food? YES!
Refined – means that a product has had part of the kernel stripped away. Mainly contains the ENDOSPERM (which is mostly starch) WHITE BREAD WHITE RICE WHITE FLOUR
Enriched – means other nutrients have been added that would not normally be in that food
Grains Notes Grain products – grits, pasta, cereal, flour, cornmeal… Grains = oats, wheat, rye, rice, quinoa, hominy, corn… Grain products – grits, pasta, cereal, flour, cornmeal…
Cornmeal & Flour are usually added to recipes and not just cooked as is or eaten as is…. GRITS, PASTA, COUSCOUS, QUINOA, & RICE ALL HAVE SPECIFIC COOKING METHODS All are cooked differently. But they all require water and they all swell Swelling = gelatinization
quinoa Grain common in south America Very healthy.
couscous Tiny dots of pasta Looks like rice or grits & used the same way Added to recipes or as a side dish
Cooking pasta In a lg. pot - Bring water to a boil Then Add salt & stir Add pasta & stir Bring back to a boil Begin timing * USE THE TIME ON THE PACKAGE (all pasta is different) *COOK UNTIL AL DENTE’ = slightly firm/almost done Drain
Come see me to get a handout – Fill in Cooking methods for the remaining grains & grain products: Grits Oatmeal Couscous Pasta Rice Brown Rice