Welcome to Health Class I’m Ms. Wolf Sit wherever you like but sit with someone of the opposite gender.
Rules Respect Yourself Respect Others Act in a way your Grandma would be proud of Respect Others Be kind and respectful Treat others the way you would want to be treated Don’t be a jerk Listen to others when they talk Keep your hands (feet and other body parts) to yourself
Rules Take Responsibility For Yourself Stay Focused on learning Admit when you screw up Be honest Follow directions without lame excuses Do what you are supposed to Stay Focused on learning Bring paper, writing device and folder to class Stay in class (no leaving to get a drink, wander around, go to the bathroom etc) No phones, Ipods only when no one is talking.
You need… Paper Pencil/ Pen (blue, black, purple) Folder A good attitude (please, thank you)
Homework policy Homework is to be turned in at the stacker by the door. If you forget your homework, please save the lame excuse… just bring it the next day. Get a bad grade on an assignment? No, there’s NO EXTRA CREDIT, you can re- do it and fix the things you missed the first time.
Test policy Most tests are open note Don’t get the grade you like the first time? Take your test, correct it, add it to your “notes” and you can re-take any test once at either ESS or Focus Friday.
Where do I sit? You can sit anywhere you want so long as you sit with someone of the opposite gender Don’t sit by someone who might get you into trouble or keep you from working. First come, first serve- NO SAVING SEATS Assigned seats will be given to students who need help staying focused.
Comfy seats There are a few “comfy seats” in the room The Rules The counter by the windows (3 seats) The exercise balls Cushions to put on your chair The Rules First come, first serve *NO SAVING SEATS Anyone who gets an assigned seat loses comfy seat privileges. You must be prepared (have paper, pencil, folder, homework)
Participation This class will be graded primarily on participation. This class won’t be any fun if you are “too cool.”
What the heck are we going to learn What the heck are we going to learn? -1st Quarter (and a little into 2nd quarter) How to manage money, stay out of debt, invest money etc.
What the heck are we going to learn? -2nd Quarter Sewing Crocheting Knitting
What the heck are we going to learn? -3rd & 4th Quarter Nutrition Cooking
Survey Time Technology Survey http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choi ce_polls/LTIxMzUyMTc3Mzg Why are you here? http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choi ce_polls/MTU4MzExODc0Mg