ENTERING THE CLASSROOM Class Leader calls class to ATTENTION At ATTENTION by side of desk Take SEATS – Say: “Per Ardua Ad Astra” Work on Black Book
Starter: Black Book What am I writing: WHATEVER you choose! How long does it have to be? 6 minutes to write What’s the point? Writing! Writing! Writing!
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Mode Let others think too Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: Let others think too I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode: Let others think too In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
Entry 107: Today’s Objective 25Sep17 I will work on a character analysis of Walter Mitty.
Entry 108: Word Wall 22Sep17 Static showing little or no change Example Sentence: Walter Mitty does not have a static imagination.
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Table Team Work
DURING TEAM WORK… Table Team Work I work cooperatively with my team members to accomplish a particular goal by: Performing assigned tasks/roles Listening to my team members Respecting the ideas of others Being a helpful contributor to the team.
Notebooks Entries Are: In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
Entry 109: STEAL Character Analysis 22Sep17 As a group, copy…STEAL S(speech): What things does the character say that help you understand what he is like? T(thoughts): What are his thoughts and what do they say about the kind of person he is? E (effect on others): What do other people think about him? A (actions): What does this character do that shows the kind of person that he is? L (looks): What does he look like? Write a description about the character using all of the information that you have gathered. How does it relate to the story?
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Mode Let others think too Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: Let others think too I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode: Let others think too In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
Entry 110: STEAL Walter Mitty 25Sep17 As you watch the movie—take the notes: Speech Thoughts Effect on others Actions Looks Describe Walter Mitty
END OF CLASS Quiet Mode: Let Others Think Too Planner check by class leader (homework must be recorded for each class period today) SECURE YOUR GEAR Class, ATTENTION Dismissal by group