Waikato DHB Quality Account Year 4 Lessons learned Waikato DHB Quality Account Year 4
Whose quality account is it? Setting the scene for the Board / Executive Group Collaboration with key stakeholders (Planning and Funding / media and comms) Link it to the planning priorities but with a twist!
Making it real This is not just a publication – it’s a road map of where we have been and where we want to get to Web site, DHB magazine, individual copies and letters to Board and EG Structured my team so the priority areas can be progressed – Patient safety facilitators
Monitoring Patient Safety Priority areas 15/16 Q1 Q2 Commentary Q1 Q2 Commentary Reduce severe harm events – falls, pressure injuries, peri-operative harm, medication Amber Cluster of falls with serious harm a concern and issues with data collection of surgical safety indicator (new from July 16 for the HQSC) Improve hand hygiene Working with Gold auditors, infection control team and media/comms team on a campaign to reinvigorate and sustain Increased service led mortality and morbidity reviews and improvement to decision / treatment choices Improve care around deteriorating patients – Early warning, SBARR, timely response Delay in forming new group / work plan Patient Outcome Priority areas 15/16 Advise and support patients, pregnant woman and general population to quit smoking Green Better understand impact of alcohol consumption on our population and develop strategies to improve Population health have done some initial work Continue heart and diabetes checks in community Patient Experience Priority areas 15/16 Develop an end of life framework including bereavement support process and advanced care planning Baseline review of current activity underway Introduce more flexible visiting for key support people People centred care programme to EG March Improve the ‘welcoming environment’ across the DHB for consumers People centred care programme to EG March Continue to improve the discharge processes, discharge time and use of planned discharge date New electronic discharge summaries in place for GPs.
Disappointments Not enough consumer engagement in the development or publication process Use consumer council Survey monkey / targeted research in May Not enough engagement with frontline staff What is important to them? How fast a year can go!