Psalm 49:1-5 ( Tune: Savior, Teach Me) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 49A Music: Savior, Teach Me, Carl von Weber Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. Hear this all ye peo - ple hear; earth’s in-hab- i -tants give ear; All of high and low de - gree, rich and poor, give ear to me.
2. For my mouth shall wis-dom speak… know-ledge with my heart I’ll seek, Lend to par-a-bles my ear, with the heart*… make dark things clear. * “Harp” was changed to “heart”
3. Why should I to fear give way when I see the e - vil day, When with wick-ed-ness my foes shall sur-round me and op-pose?